Eraser <E>

You can delete undesired part in your photo. Deleted pixels are filled with the background color in background images and filled with transparent color in other layers.


To delete undesired part

  1. Open the photo that contains area you want to delete.
  2. Click Edit > Eraser.
  3. Click on the photo where you want to delete and erase using the mouse.

To scribble on the dark area on the photo

  1. Open the photo that has a dark area or background.
  2. Click the Background Color icon on Tool Box.
  3. In the Color Picker dialog box, select the color white, yellow, or complementary color that is recognizable on the dark color.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Edit > Eraser.
  6. Scribble text on the dark area of the photo using the mouse.

More Information


You can change the brush size, opacity, shape, and other properties.

Brush Preset Dialog Box

Brush Shape

Shape Dynamics


Color Dynamics

Other Dynamics

See Also