Set the Preferences about PDF Forms
You can set form preferences before creating, designing, or filling in a PDF form.
- Choose File in the Ribbon (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > Forms.
- Specify the following options as desired:
- Automatically calculate field values: Specify whether to automatically perform all field calculations right after users input the entries. This option is checked by default. The setting for the option only applies to your current session, and it will revert to the default setting after the application is restarted. When filling in a PDF form that contains barcode fields, it is recommended to keep this option checked so that the barcodes can be generated and updated instantly.
- Manage Barcode Parameters: List all the decode conditions including the seven presets. You can create, edit, remove, import, and export custom decode conditions. Please refer to “Decode Condition for Barcode Field” for details.
- Show focus rectangle: With the option selected, a dotted rectangle appears around a form field if the form field currently has the focus. The option is selected by default.
- Show text field overflow indicator: Select this option to show the plus (+) sign if the text in a text field does not automatically resize and exceeds the bound of the field.
- Always hide document message bar: Specify whether to show the notification message or not when you open an interactive PDF form. By default, a notification message will be displayed when you open an interactive PDF form in Foxit PDF Editor. The notification message informs you that the document is a fillable form. You can click the Hide button or light bulk on the document pane to collapse or expand the notification message. If you do not want to see the notification message, please check the Always hide document message bar option.
- Highlight all fields: This option is checked by default, which allows you to highlight all form fields in the PDF form (Tip: The signature fields will no longer be highlighted after users apply signatures). You can click the color palette to change the highlight color for ordinary fields as well as required fields.
- Open Properties box after creating field: When checked, the properties box appears when creating a form field.
- Run form recognition when creating PDF in Foxit PDF Editor: When checked, Foxit PDF Editor will run form recognition automatically when a PDF is created and opened in Foxit PDF Editor.
- Auto-Complete: Auto-Complete includes three options that allow you to turn on or off the auto-complete feature. When enabled, Foxit PDF Editor will store your entries and provide relevant suggestions as you fill in an interactive PDF form.
- Off: Turn off the auto-complete feature. No suggestion will be provided when you fill in an interactive PDF form.
- Basic: Enable auto-complete feature, and provide relevant suggestions when you enter a character in the interactive form field.
- Advanced: Enable auto-complete feature, and automatically display a list of suggestions when you tab into a form field.
- Remember numerical data: This option is available when you choose Basic or Advanced in the Auto-Complete drop-down list. If it is enabled, Foxit PDF Editor will store numerical entries as well, otherwise, only text entries will be remembered.
- Edit Entry list: Remove the saved entries from the auto-complete memory.
- Email: You can edit the default subject and contents which will be sent with the PDF form when you submit it by email.
Fill out PDF Forms
Foxit PDF Editor helps you work on both interactive PDF forms which contain fillable fields and non-interactive PDF forms which act as plain PDF files with lines and texts.
Fill in Non-interactive PDF Forms
You can use the tools in the Fill & Sign context tab (or the Foxit eSign tab) to add text and symbols in non-interactive PDF forms. As you move the cursor on the page with a fill tool selected, a blue frame appears if the cursor is hovering above a fillable area.
- Click Foxit eSign, or Home/Protect > Fill & Sign. Then you will find the form filling tools in the Foxit eSign tab or Fill & Sign context tab.
- To add normal text, select Add Text. Then click on the form where you want to add text, and input your text.
- To add text in continuous boxes in a line, select Comb Field. Then click on the form where you want to add text, and input your text. The comb field will spread text evenly across the width of the text field, which is very useful when you are filling in phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.
- To add predefined text such as name, date or address, click Predefined Text, and do the following:
- By default, Foxit PDF Editor will detect and display the current date and user name of your system in the predefined text list. If you want to predefine custom text, click Set Predefined Text. In the pop-up Set Predefined Text dialog box, click Set Identity to set your identity information, and save it as predefined text. Or double-click on the blank area in the box to input any text as desired. Upon completion, click OK to save your settings. Then all your custom predefined text will be listed in the Predefined Text drop-down list.
- Select a predefined text from the Predefined Text drop-down list, and click on the form where you want to add it.
- To add symbols, do the following:
- Select the Add Checkmark, Add Cross, or Add Dot tool to fill in check boxes or radio buttons. Select the Add Line tool to strike out text, or Add Rectangle tool to add rectangles.
- Then click on the form where you want to place the symbol.
- After adding text or symbols, use the field toolbar floating above them to make appropriate changes, if necessary.
- Click
to decrease or increase the size. For symbols, you can also drag any of the handles to resize it. For comb fields, dragging the resize handle on the right-side of the field can also help you adjust the width of the field. The adjustments to size will be remembered and applied as the default.
- To change the color, click
to find more options, and then click the Switch color icon
or press Shift + L. From the color palette, you can pick a preset color, or click
to customize a new one.
- To convert a normal text field into comb field or vice versa, click the Comb Field icon
or Add Text icon
- To replace the current text or symbol, click
, and choose a desired option from the toolbar.
- To move the text or symbol, drag it directly to the desired location.
- To delete the text or symbol, click
- Click
- After filling in the form, you can sign the form with your handwritten signature. For more information, please refer to “Foxit eSign” and “Quick PDF Sign”.
- When you have completed the form, click the Save button
or choose File > Save to save it.
Tip: The fill tool will be kept as selected by default for you to add the same object continuously. If you need to exit the fill tool, press the ESC key, or select another desired tool directly.
Fill in Interactive PDF Forms
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command.
- Click the form field to input text or select the option as desired. For the text fields, you can right-click on it, and choose the options from the context menu to select, copy, cut, paste, or delete the text.
- Upon completion, click the Save button
(or File > Save) to save the PDF form.
- You can follow the steps below to print the form, if needed:
- Click the Print button
in the Quick Access Toolbar, or click File > Print.
- In the Print dialog box, specify the printer and other printing options as desired. Select the following option as needed in the Print What field:
- To print both the form and the input entries, select Document and markups;
- To print the typed entries only, select Form fields only;
- To print the form only, select Document;
- Click Print.
- Click the Print button
Reset Interactive Form Fields
You can clear all the interactive form entries with the following steps:
- Click Form > Reset Form.
- Click Yes in the pop-up message to confirm your operation.
Manage Form Data
For AcroForms, Foxit PDF Editor allows you to import and export form data in XML, XFDF, TXT, or CSV formats. For XFA forms, you can import and export form data in XML and XDP formats.
Import Form Data
- Click Form > Import.
- Select the form data file, and click Open.
Export Form Data
To export all form data to a file, please follow the steps below:
- Click Form > Export > To File.
- In the Save dialog box, specify the file name, location and type, and click Save.
To export all form data as a file and send it to others as an email attachment, please follow the steps below:
- Click Form > Export > Via Email.
- Choose a file format you want to export the form data to, and click OK.
- A blank message with the created form data file included as an attachment will automatically open in your default e-mail program, and the default email subject will be “Data from [original document name].pdf”.
- Type the e-mail address of users you want to send the file, and click the Send button.
Tip: To directly attach the exported file to email while exporting the form data, you need to configure Apple Mail or Outlook on your Mac device first, and allow Foxit PDF Editor to perform actions via your email application in the system preference settings.
Export and Append Form Data to an Existing Sheet
With Foxit PDF Editor, you can export form data from a currently-opened PDF form and append it to an existing CSV file. Steps are as follow:
- Click Form > Form to sheet > Append to an Existing Sheet.
- In the pop-up dialog box, select the CSV file to which you want to append the form data, and click Open.
- (Optional) A prompt message will pop up when the form data has been successfully exported. In the message box, you can click Yes to open the CSV file, if necessary.
Combine Forms to a Sheet
To export form data from multiple PDF forms to a CSV file, please do as follows:
- Choose Form > Form to sheet > Combine Forms to a Sheet.
- In the Export multiple forms to a sheet dialog box, click Add Files to add files that you want to combine into a sheet. You can also click the close button in the dialog box to remove files.
- (Optional) Check the option Contain forms you closed recently to add the PDF files you closed recently. You can also append the exported form data to an existing file by checking the option Append to an existing file.
- Click OK.
- Based on the option you have chosen, do one of the following:
- If you have checked the Append to an existing file option, select the existing CSV file to which you want to append the form data, and click Open.
- If you choose to save the form data in a new CSV file, specify the save path and file name for the CSV file, and click Save.
- (Optional) A prompt message will pop up when the form data has been successfully exported. In the message box, you can click Yes to open the CSV file, if necessary.
Create PDF Forms
Form Field Recognition
Recognize Form Fields with Designer Assistant
The Designer Assistant command automatically detects form fields that can be created on PDF pages and displays a blue frame where there is a suggested form filed. For more information, please refer to “Create Form Fields”.
Run Form Field Recognition
You can use the Run Form Field Recognition command to recognize text fields, check boxes, and digital signature fields through the whole document.
- Click Form > Run Form Field Recognition.
- A message prompts up showing some instructions about recognition. If you do not want to see the prompt message the next time you run form field recognition, please check the Don’t show again option. And then click OK to continue.
- All the corresponding types of form fields will be automatically created and named with the text near the form fields. You can edit or delete the created form fields as desired. For more information, please refer to “Manage Form Fields”.
Create Form Fields
Foxit PDF Editorprovides a group of buttons that can be used to create and design form fields in interactive PDF forms. You are able to add form fields like push buttons, text fields, check boxes, combo boxes, list boxes, radio buttons, signature fields, image fields, date fields and barcode fields to an interactive PDF form and specify their properties.
- Click Form.
- In the Form tab, choose any of the following form tools:
- Push Button
: Create an interactive form element to initiate certain predefined actions, such as opening a file, submitting data to a web server, or resetting a form.
- Check Box
: Present yes-or-no choices for individual items. If the form contains multiple check boxes, users can select what they want.
- Radio Button
: Present a group of choices from which the user can select only one item.
- Signature Field
: Create a blank digital signature field for reviewers to sign the document.
- Text Field
: Let the user type in text, such as name, address, phone number, etc.
- Combo Box
: Let the user either choose an item from a pop-up menu or type in a value.
- List Box
: Display a list of options the user can select.
- Barcode Field
: Barcode fields represent a user’s form entries in a visual pattern that can be scanned, interpreted, and incorporated into a database.
- Image Field
: An image field is a Push Button with JavaScript prewired, which allows users to quickly browse and select an image to add to the PDF document.
- Date Field
: A date field is a Text Field with the Format set to Date, letting users quickly fill in a date in the PDF.
- Push Button
- When you select a form field tool, the Designer Assistant command will be selected and enabled automatically by default. As you move the cursor on the page, a blue frame appears if the cursor is hovering above an area which is detected as a form filed. If you want to add a form field at that position, just click on the auto-detected area. To create a form field outside the auto-detected area, drag a rectangle on the page where you want to add the form field. If you want to disable the auto-detection, deselect Designer Assistant in the Form tab.
- (Optional) You can also use grids to line up form fields when creating form fields. Please refer to “Grids” for more information.
- If you have enabled opening properties box in Forms preference, the properties box will be shown below the field you created. In the properties box, input the name for the field, and check the Required option if you want it to be a required field. If you need to specify more settings, click All Properties. For more information about property settings, please refer to “Set Form Field Properties”.
Tips for creating barcode fields:
1. Place the barcode in an appropriate position that can be easily seen and scanned. And make sure it’s unlikely to get folded when placed in an envelope and won’t get clipped off during printing or faxing.
2. Make sure that the barcode area is large enough to accommodate the amount of data. Otherwise, it turns a solid gray, and a message “**Too Much Data**” appears on the barcode field in form editing mode. To make the data fit in the barcode area, you can adjust the barcode size by dragging a handle, deselecting any fields that don’t need encoding in the Value tab of the Barcode Field Properties dialog box, or creating additional barcode fields in the form and mapping different data to each barcode field.
3. If you will decode the barcode with a handheld scanner, avoid creating barcodes wider than 4 inches. Tall, narrow barcodes generally work better with handheld scanners.
Manage Form Fields
After creating form fields, you can still move, resize, copy, and arrange them.
Move a Form Field
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Do any of the following:
- Select the form field that you want to move, and drag it directly to the desired location.
- Select the form field, and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move it to the desired location.
- Right-click the form field that you want to move, and choose Cut. Then navigate to the target location, right-click on the page, and select Paste. You can also use the shortcuts Command + X and Command + V to cut and paste the selected form field.
Resize a Form Field
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Select the form field that you want to resize, and do any of the following:
- Drag any of the border handles directly.
- Use Option (or Option + Shift) + arrow keys on your keyboard.
Delete a Form Field
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click the form field that you want to delete, and choose Delete.
- Select the form field that you want to delete, and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Copy a Form Field
Copy and Past a Form Field
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Right-click the form field, and choose Copy.
- Right-click on the page where you want to paste the form field, and choose Paste.
Tip: The signature field cannot be copied.
Create Multiple Copies of a Form Field
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Right-click the form field that you want to create copies, and choose Create Multiple Copies.
- In the Create Multiple Copies of Fields dialog box, do the following:
- To specify the rows to be created, enter or select a number in Copy selected fields down (times). The default number is set to 2.
- To specify the columns to be created, enter or select a number in Copy selected fields across (times). The default number is set to 2.
- To specify the width of the area in which the columns of fields appear, enter or select a number in Change Width (inch). The default number is set to 0.04.
- To specify the height of the area in which the columns of fields appear, enter or select a number in Change Height (inch). The default number is set to 0.04.
- Tip: The width and height values don’t change the dimensions of individual fields but designate the size of the entire area for all the selected and newly created fields.
- To change the position of buttons, use the Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons in the dialog box.
- The results can be previewed simultaneously in the document pane. If you do not want to preview the results but add the copies directly, uncheck the Preview option.
- By default, the new form field names are based on the original form filed and appended with a number. You can check Same Name to apply the names of original form field to the newly created form fields.
- Click OK.
- Tips:
- If you apply the same name to the copied form fields, the copied fields will be automatically filled with the data that users enter in the original field.
- You cannot apply the same name to the copied signature fields.
Duplicate a Form Field
You can duplicate a push button, radio button, check box, combo box, list box, and text field on forms that contain more than one page.
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool.
- Right-click the form field that you want to duplicate, and choose Duplicate.
- In the Duplicate Fields dialog box, do one of the following:
- To duplicate the form field on every page in the form, select All Pages, and click OK.
- To duplicate the form field on odd/even page in the form, select Odd pages only or Even pages only from the Subset dropdown list, and click OK.
- To duplicate the form field on a limited range of pages, type the starting and ending page on which you want it to appear. Click OK.
Set Tab Order
You can set the tab order of the form fields you created. The order number will show on the top left corner. By default, the tab order is based on the document structure. Please do any of the following to set tab order:
- Open the Fields panel. Click Set Order button
in the upper-left corner of the Fields panel and choose to order tabs by row/column/structure. Check Show Tab Numbers to view the tab order. You can also change the tab order by dragging and dropping a field to the desired place within the Fields panel. You can only move one field at a time.
- Open the Pages panel. Right-click the page where you need to change the tab order and choose Properties. In the Page Properties dialog box, select one order in the Tab Order tab.
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool. Then right-click a form field, and choose Set Tab Order. Click anywhere in the field that you want it to be the first in the tabbing order. The number in the upper left corner will be set as 1. Click each of the other fields in the order that you want tabbing to occur.
Tip: You can only set tab order within one page.
Set Form Field Properties
You can set properties that apply formatting, determine the appearance and actions, and so forth.
To set properties of a form field, make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the corresponding form field tool, and then double-click the form field, or right-click the form field and choose Properties. After setting form field properties, you can right-click the form field and choose Use Current Properties As New Defaults to set your settings as the default for all form fields of the same type.
Properties may vary based on the type of a form field. In form field properties dialog box, there are two items on every tab:
- Locked – When selected, any further changes to the properties will be prevented.
- Close – Apply and save the current button properties, and close the properties dialog box.
Tip: If you select Locked on any tab, it will lock all options for the button, but not just the options on that tab.
General Tab
The General tab in properties contains the following options:
- Name – Specify the unique name of the selected form field.
Tooltip – Display text that the hesitant user may find helpful in clicking the button. Tooltips appear when the pointer hovers over the form field. - Form Field – Specify whether the form field can be seen, either on screen or in print.
- Orientation – Rotate the form field by 0, 90, 180, or 270 Degrees.
- Read Only – Prevent the user from modifying the form field.
- Required – Specify whether it is required when users fill in the form. This option is not available for the push button (including the image field which is a type of push button with JavaScript prewired).
Tip: The Form Field, Orientation, Read Only, and Required options are not available for the barcode field.
Appearance Tab
The Appearance properties determine how the form field looks on the page. The Appearance tab is available for all types of form fields except the barcode fields.
- Line Style – Alter the appearance of the frame.
Tip: You may not see the difference if no color is chosen as the border color.
- Thickness – Specify the width of the frame surrounding the form field.
- Border Color – Open a color picker in which you can select a color for the frame surrounding the form field. To leave the form field without a frame, select No color.
- Fill Color – Open a color picker in which you can select a color to fill the form field. To leave it uncolored, select No color.
Tip: A Fill Color choice other than No color will block any images on the PDF page that are behind the form field.
- Font Size – Set the size of the label for the form field. You can either choose Auto or preset values.
- Text Color – Open a color picker in which you can select a color for the text or button.
- Font – List the fonts available on your computer.
- Direction: Specify the text direction.
Tip: Some text related properties, including Font Size, Font, and Direction, are not available for form fields that do not display text.
Position Tab
You can use the Position tab to make accurate adjustments to the position and the size of the button by entering specific values. Select the unit of the values. To move the button, enter values for the position properties (the Left/ Right/ Top/ Bottom options). To change the size of the button, enter values for the Height and Width options. To move the button without changing its size, select the Do not change height and width when changing the position option.
Options Tab
Options tab is available for all types of form fields except signature fields. The options in the Options tab may change according to the type of form field selected.
Options Tab for Push Buttons
Push buttons include form fields that are created using the Push Button tool and Image Field tool (an image field is a type of push button with JavaScript prewired). The Options properties for push buttons determine how labels and icons appear on the form field. A button can have a label, an icon, or both.
- Layout – Specify the layout of label and icon of the button.
- Advanced – Specify the detailed settings to the icon. This option is not available when you select Label Only as the layout.
- When to scale – Choose when to scale the icon you insert. There are four options:
- Always: Always scale the icon to fit the button you draw.
- Never: Never scale the icon. Show the icon with its original size all the time.
- Icon is too big: Zoom out the icon to fit the button if the former one is bigger than the latter one, or show the icon with its original size.
- Icon is too small: Zoom in the icon to fit the button if the former one is smaller than the latter one, or show the icon with its original size.
- Scale – Choose to scale the icon non-proportionally or proportionally. This option will be disabled when you select Never in the field of When to scale.
- Proportionally: Scale the icon in its proportion.
- Non-Proportionally: Scale the icon to fit the button when the magnification is changed.
- Fit to bounds – Check this option to scale the icon to fit fully within the bounds of the button without taking into consideration the line width of the border.
- Button – Drag and move the scroll bar to change icon’s position in the button. The coordinates change when you move the scroll bar.
- When to scale – Choose when to scale the icon you insert. There are four options:
- Behavior – Specify the display of the button when clicked. The button behavior options include:
- None: Keep the appearance of the button the same.
- Push: Specify appearances for the Up, Down, and Rollover states of the mouse. Select an option under State, and then specify a label or icon option:
- Up: Determine what the button looks like when the mouse button is not clicked.
- Down: Determine what the button looks like when the mouse is clicked on the button, but before it is released.
- Rollover: Determine what the button looks like when the pointer is held over the button.
- Outline: Highlight the button border.
- Invert: Reverse the dark and light shades of the button.
- To define the label or icon that appears on the button, do the following:
- If a label option is selected from the Layout menu, type the text in the Label box.
- If an icon option is selected from the Layout menu, click Choose icon > click Browse > select an image file that you want to use as the icon, and click Open. (To remove the selected icon, click Clear button.)
Options Tab for Check Boxes
- Check Box Style - Specify the style of the check box.
- Export Value - Type in a value to represent the item if the data will be exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the General tab is used as the export value.
- Checked by default – Set the selection state of the check box when the user first opens the form.
Options Tab for Radio Buttons
- Button style – Specify the shape of the maker that appears inside the button when the user selects it. This property does not alter the shape of the radio button itself.
- Export Value – Type in a value to represent the item if the data will be exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the General tab is used as the export value.
- Checked by default – Set the selection state of the button when the user first opens the form.
- Radio buttons with the same name and value are selected in unison – Allow single-click selection of multiple related radio buttons. If the user selects a radio button that has the same field name and export value as another, both radio buttons are selected.
Options Tab for Combo Boxes and List Boxes
- Item – Accept the text and space character that you type for options that you want to appear in the menu for the field.
- Add – Move the current entry in Item to Item List.
- Export value – Where you type in a value to represent the item if the data will be exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the General tab is used as the export value.
- Item list – Display the choices that will be available in the list.
Tip: The highlighted item in the Item list box appears as the default selected item in the combo box field. To change the default item, highlight another item from the list.
- Delete – Remove the selected item from the list.
- Up/Down – Change the order in which the items are listed in the combo box list. These buttons are not available if Sort Items is selected.
- Sort items – Arrange the listed items numerically and alphabetically. A numerical sort (if applicable) is performed before an alphabetical sort.
- Allow user to enter custom text – Enable users to enter a value other than the ones in the list.
- Commit selected value immediately – Save the value as soon as the user selects it. If this option is not selected, the value is saved only when the user tabs out of the current field or clicks another form field.
Options Tab for Text Fields
Text fields include form fields that are created using the Text Field tool and Date Field tool (a date field is a type of text field with Format set to Date). The Options tab for text fields includes the following items:
- Alignment – Align the text left, right, or center within the field.
- Default Value – Specify the text that appears until the user overwrites it by typing in the field. Enter the default value by typing in this option.
- Scroll long text – Compensate for text that extends beyond the boundaries of the text field.
- Allow Rich Text Formatting – Allow users to apply styling information to the text, such as bold or italic.
- Limit of Characters – Allow entries of up to the number of characters you specify.
Tip: If you entered a default value, that value is clipped to this limit.
- Password – Display the user-entered text as a series of asterisks (*). This option is unavailable if you have selected Allow Rich Text Formatting, Field is used for file selection, Check spelling, Comb of_Characters, or Multi-line option. When the option is enabled, all the options in the Options tab, except for Scroll long text and Limit of_Characters options, will be unavailable.
- Field is used for file selection – Allow the user to enter a file path as the field’s value when a file is submitted along with the form. This option is available only when Scroll long text is the only selected option in the Options tab.
- Check spelling – Check the spelling of user-entered text.
- Comb of Characters -- Spread the user-entered text evenly across the width of the text field. If a border color is specified, Solid or Dashed Line is selected in the Appearance tab, each character entered in the field is separated by lines of that color. This option is available only when no other check box is selected.
- Multi-line – Allow more than a single-line entry in the text field. Setting line spacing is available in a multi-line text field.
Options Tab for Barcode Fields
- Symbology – You can choose a barcode type from PDF417, QR Code, and Data Matrix. Each barcode type follows an algorithm for standardizing the encoding and storing of data.
- Compress Data Before Encoding to Barcode – Specify whether to compress data before it is encoded. Compressing data allows more data to be stored in the barcode. Avoid compressing data when using a handheld scanner since most of these scanners cannot decode compressed data. By default, the option is not selected.
- Decode Condition – Select the type of hardware to process returned forms. Foxit provides you with ready-to-use preset decode conditions. You can also click Custom or choose the <Custom>
option from the drop-down list to create a new decode condition. - X Dimension – Specify the width of the cell.
- Y/X Ratio – Specify the height-to-width ratio of the cell. This option is only available for PDF417 barcodes.
- Error Correction Level – PDF417 and QR Code barcodes provide additional data redundancy by using an error correction technique to allow a partially damaged barcode to be scanned or decoded successfully. You can specify the error correction level that corresponds to the level of data redundancy. The error correction levels range from 0 to 8 for PDF417 barcodes (8 is the highest), and L, M, Q, and H for QR Code (H is the highest). A higher Error Correction Level allows a higher percentage of the barcode to be damaged by pen marks, poor print quality, degradation caused by fax transmission, or folds in the document. However, a higher level also increases the overall size of the barcode.
- Manage Barcode Parameters – List all the decode conditions including the seven presets. You can create, edit, remove, import, and export custom decode conditions.
- Settings – Display the detailed parameters for the decode condition you selected.
Format Tab
The Format tab is only available for text fields (including date fields) and combo boxes, which enables you to format the field values.
Select one of the format categories listed below:
- None – No additional options are available. The input in a combo box with this property does not require any specific formatting.
- Number – Automatically impose the selected formatting options on numeric data entries.
- Decimal places – Set the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point.
- Separator style – Set the placement of commas and periods.
- Currency Symbol – Set the type of currency, such as Dollars, Euros, or Pounds.
- Negative number style – Set how negative numbers are displayed. You can choose Show parentheses, Use red text, neither, or both.
- Percentage – Automatically impose the selected formatting options on numeric data expressed as a percentage.
- Decimal places – Set the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point.
- Separator style – Set the placement of commas and periods.
- Date – The list includes one-, two-, and four-digit variations where d stands for the day, m stands for the month, and y stands for the year. Also, you can choose Custom option and type your format.
- Time – The list includes display variations where h stands for the hour on a 12-hour clock, H stands for the hour on a 24-hour clock, MM stands for minutes, ss stands for the seconds, and tt stands for AM or PM. Also, you can choose the Custom option and type your format.
- Special – There are five options for you:
- Zip Code – For a five-digit postal code.
- Zip Code + 4 – For a nine-digit postal code.
- Phone Number – For a ten-digit telephone number.
- Social Security Number – For a nine-digit US Social Security Number.
- Arbitrary Mask – Change the format category to Custom and makes another text box available, in which you can type a custom format. Use this option to specify which types of characters the user can enter in any given position, and how the data displays in the field.
- A – Accepts only letters (A–Z, a–z).
- X – Accepts spaces and most printable characters, including all characters available on a standard keyboard and ANSI characters in the ranges of 32–126 and 128–255.
- O – The letter “O” accepts alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, and 0–9).
- 9 – Accepts only numeric characters (0–9).
- For example, a mask setting of AAA--p#999 accepts the input BDF--p#367. A mask setting of OOOOO@XXX accepts the input vad12@3Up.
- Custom – Make additional options available to form designers who want to write their own JavaScripts for formatting and keystrokes.
- Custom Format Script – Display any custom scripts you have added for formats. The Edit button opens a JavaScript Edition dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
- Custom Keystroke Script – Display any custom scripts you have added to validate keystrokes. The Edit button opens a JavaScript Edition dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
Validate Tab
The Validate tab is only available for text fields (including date fields) and combo boxes, which enables you to restrict entries to specified ranges, values, or characters to ensure that users enter the appropriate data in a specified form field.
- Field value is not validated – Turn off validation.
- Field value is in range – Set a numeric range for a form field using values you enter in either as a number or a percentage. It is available only when Number or Percentage is selected in Format tab.
- Run custom validation script – Validate by a JavaScript that you create or provide. The Edit button opens a JavaScript Edition dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
Calculate Tab
The Calculate tab is only available for text fields (including date fields) and combo boxes, which enables you to perform mathematical operations on existing form field entries and display the results.
- Value is not calculated – Select this option if you want the users to type.
- Value is the _ of the following fields – Select this to make further options available:
- The List includes the mathematical functions to apply to the selected fields. Choose sum(+) to add the values entered in the selected fields, product(x) to multiply them, average to calculate the mean number, and minimum/maximum to get the minimum or maximum value.
- Pick – Open a dialog box with a list of the available fields in the form that you select to add or deselect to remove from the calculation.
- Simplified field notation – Use JavaScript with field names and simple arithmetic signs. The Edit button opens a JavaScript Edition dialog box in which you can write, edit, and add scripts.
- Custom calculation script – Display any custom scripts you have added for calculations. The Edit button opens a JavaScript Edition dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
Actions Tab
The Actions properties specify any actions that you want to associate with the form field, such as jumping to a specific page or going to a web site.
- Select Trigger – Specify the user action that initiates an action.
- Select Action – Specify the event that occurs when the user triggers the action.
- Go to a page view – designate to a specific page view. You can not only designate to a page in the current PDF, but also to the page in another PDF. Also, you may change the current zoom setting and then set the position. To go to a page view, choose this option, click Add button and do the following:
- If your document includes named destinations, choose any of the following options in the pop-up dialog box first. If not, skip this step.
- Use Page Number: Go to a page in the current document or newly opened document. After checking the option, following the steps in “Set the position in current document” and “Set the position in another PDF document” complete your setting.
- Use Name Destination: Go to a specified named destination. After checking the option, click Browse to select a named position from the list in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK.
- Set the position in current document – scroll the current document, go to a new position where you want to set and change its magnification (if necessary), and click Set this position.
- Set the position in another PDF document – click the Open button in the File menu > select the PDF you want to set position > scroll this document and go to a position where you want to set > change its magnification (if necessary) > click Set this position.
- If your document includes named destinations, choose any of the following options in the pop-up dialog box first. If not, skip this step.
- Tip: The new PDF document should be opened in the existing window but not a new window.
- Open/execute a file – designate to open another file. To do this, choose Open/execute a file > click Add button > select the destination file and click Open.
- Open a web link – designate to open a web link. To do this, choose Open a web link > click Add button > enter the URL of the destination web page > click OK.
- To show/hide a field, select the option > click Add > choose to show or hide the selected button when the user triggers the action, and click OK.
- To execute a menu item, select the option > click Add > select one of the items in Menu Item Selection dialog box, and click OK.
- To submit a form, select the option > click Add > choose the export format, submission method, decide which fields should be submitted, and click OK.
- To reset a form, select the option > click Add > select the fields that will be reset, and click OK.
- To import form data, select the option > click Add > choose the FDF file that contains the form data you want to import, and click Open.
- To run a JavaScript, select the option > click Add > enter JavaScript, and click OK.
- Go to a page view – designate to a specific page view. You can not only designate to a page in the current PDF, but also to the page in another PDF. Also, you may change the current zoom setting and then set the position. To go to a page view, choose this option, click Add button and do the following:
- Actions – Display the list of triggers and actions that you have defined.
- Up and down buttons – Change the order in which the selected action appears listed under the trigger. (Available only when you have defined multiple actions for the same trigger.)
- Edit – Open a dialog box with specific options for the selected action. You can also double-click the actions to open a dialog box.
- Delete – Remove the selected action.
Signed Tab
The Signed tab is only available for signature fields.
- Nothing happens when signed – It is set as default.
- Mark as read-only - Prevent other readers to change the digitally signed form.
- All fields - Prevent any changes to any form field.
- All fields except these - Allow changing the selected form fields. You check the fields that you want the reviewers to edit after signing in the Signature Selection dialog box.
- Just these fields – Prevent to change the form fields you pick.
- This script executes when field is signed - Activate a custom JavaScript when the user digitally signs the form. Click the Edit button to change or create a new JavaScript action.
Value Tab
The Value tab is only available for barcode fields.
- Encode using Tab Delimited/XML – Select the format of the barcode data that is automatically scripted. When an option is selected, the associated JavaScript script is automatically generated. XML requires a larger barcode area to encode information than Tab Delimited does.
- XML – Encode the form data into the barcode in XML format.
- Tab Delimited – Encode the form data into the barcode in a tab-delimited format. If the form is configured to output the data in individual XFDF or XDP files, the data must be encoded in a tab-delimited format with the field names in the first line. This option is also useful if you need to encode more data into a barcode or copy the data into database or spreadsheet tables.
- Pick – Select which fields to be encoded into the barcode. By default, Foxit PDF Editor selects all the existing form fields created before you add the barcode for encoding. To make data fit in the barcode area, deselect any fields that don’t need encoding. If you add a new form field to the PDF form after you created the barcode, it will not be automatically included in the barcode. You need to click Pick to manually include the new form field in the barcode.
- Include field names – Encode field names in the first line of the barcode contents and the field values in the second line, with the specified delimiter between each field. This option is only available when Tab Delimited encoding is selected.
- Custom calculation script – Display the default script. You can click Edit to open the JavaScript Edition dialog box and write custom calculation scripts for your barcode. A script that restricts data to alphanumeric characters and to a single case (either all uppercase or all lowercase) can help make the data occupy less barcode area.
Note: The National Association of Computerized Tax Processors (NACTP) guidelines, used by the United States Internal Revenue Service and state tax agencies, recommend using all uppercase characters for 2D barcode data including PDF417 and Data Matric barcode types. - Reference to published form – Show the path to the PDF form under the barcode. You can modify the path by typing in the URL to the form. The URL is useful if you need to re-create a digital version of the completed form by merging the form template with an instance of user-supplied data.
Arrange Form Fields
Align, Center, and Distribute Form Fields
Aligning, centering, and distributing form fields are similar to arranging comments. Please refer to “Arrange Comments” for more information.
Resize Multiple Form Fields
Select one of the form fields as the anchor, and the rest of the form fields will be resized with the same height or width as that of the anchor form field.
- Select multiple form fields that you want to resize.
- Right-click the form field to which you want other selected form fields to match, click Size, and do any of the following:
- To adjust the selected form fields with the same height as the anchor form field, choose Height.
- To adjust the selected form fields with the same width as the anchor form field, choose Width.
- To adjust the selected form fields with the same width and height as the anchor form field, choose Both.
Add Tooltips to Form Fields
To make form fields accessible to screen readers, you can add text description (tooltip) to a form field in its properties by doing any of the following:
- Click Form > Add Tooltip in the Form tab to add tooltips for all form fields which do not have text descriptions.
- Double-click the form field, or right-click the form field and choose Properties to open the form field properties dialog box. And then add the tooltip for the form field in the Tooltip box in the General tab.
Set Form Field Calculation Order
When you define two or more calculations in a form, the order in which they are carried out is the order in which you set the calculations. In some cases, you may need to modify the calculation order to obtain correct results.
- Click Form > Calculation Order.
- The Calculation Order dialog box displays all calculable fields in your form and the order in which the calculations are performed. Select the form field from the list, click Move Up or Move Down to adjust the order, and then click OK to finish and confirm your adjustment.
Tip: By default, Foxit PDF Editor will perform field calculations automatically. If you need to turn off the automatic calculation, please uncheck the Automatically calculate field values option in the Form Preferences.
Form Fields Panel
Foxit PDF Editor lists all the form fields in Fields panel. To open the Fields panel, please do one of the following:
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Fields.
- Choose View in the Ribbon > View Setting > Navigation Panels > Fields.
- Right-click on the left side of the navigation pane, and choose Fields.
In the Fields panel, you can click the Set Order menu on the top-left corner to specify how to order tabs and whether to show tab numbers or not. When you right-click on a form field in the Fields panel, you can choose desired options from the context menu to manage that form field and modify its properties. For more information, please refer to “Manage Form Fields” and “Set Form Field Properties”.
Page Templates
Page templates can be used to fill a PDF form where users need to add more pages if they still have info to enter. Or, an official organization like Customs creates a page template which contains several buttons with JavaScript actions that corresponding forms will appear when users click on different buttons to fill in forms based on different situations.
Create a Page Template
- Navigate to a page that you want to create a page template from.
- Click Form > Page Template.
- In the Page Templates dialog box, do the following:
- Enter the name, and click Add.
- A message box pops up to ask you whether to create a new page template from the current page. Click OK.
- The name of the created template will be listed in the dialog box, and you can preview it on the left of the dialog box by checking the box to the left of the template name.
- Click Close to exit the Page Templates dialog box.
Manage Page Templates
In the Page Templates dialog box, choose a template and click Goto to navigate to the page. You can also rename, replace, delete, show, or hide page templates.
Rename a Page Template
- Click Form > Page Template.
- In the Page Templates dialog box, do the following:
- Choose the template you want to rename, click Rename > OK.
- Type a new name in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK.
- Click Close to exit the Page Templates dialog box.
Replace a Page Template
- Navigate to a desired page you want to replace with.
- Click Form > Page Template.
- In the Page Templates dialog box, do the following:
- Choose the template you want to replace, click Replace > OK.
- Click Close to exit the Page Templates dialog box.
Delete a Page Template
- Click Form > Page Template.
- In the Page Templates dialog box, do the following:
- Choose the template you want to delete, click Delete > OK.
- Click Close to exit the Page Templates dialog box.
Show or Hide a Page Template
- Click Form > Page Template.
- In the Page Templates dialog box, check the templates that you want to show, or uncheck the templates you want to hide, and click the Close to exit the dialog box and apply your operation.
Edit Static XFA Forms
With Foxit PDF Editor, you can edit static XFA forms as AcroForm. To edit static XFA forms, please do as below:
- Click Form > Edit Static XFA Forms.
- In the pop-up prompt message, click OK to confirm your operation, and refer to “Manage Form Fields” and “Arrange Form Fields” to edit the form as needed.
With Foxit PDF Editor, you can invoke JavaScript code using actions associated with documents, bookmarks, links, and pages. Foxit PDF Editor provides four options for you to create, debug, or edit JavaScripts – Document JavaScript, Document Action, JavaScript Console, and Edit All JavaScripts. These options are only available when you have the edit permissions for a document. To execute JavaScripts in a PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor, you need to make sure that you have enabled JavaScript actions in the File tab (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > Trust Manager.
Document JavaScript
Document JavaScripts are variable and function definitions that are generally useful to a given document, but are not applicable outside the document.
- Variable definitions: Define variables at the document level to make them visible to any executing script.
- Function definitions: Define functions at the document level that support the user interaction with the document. These functions may be utility functions for handling common tasks for string or number manipulation, or functions that execute lengthy scripts called by actions initiated by a user interacting with form fields, bookmarks, page changes, etc.
To create or access document level scripts in Foxit PDF Editor, please follow the steps below:
- Click Form > JavaScript > Document JavaScript.
- In the pop-up JavaScript Functions dialog box, do the following:
- To add a new JavaScript, input a name in the Script Name field, and click Add. Then enter the JavaScript codes in the pop-up JavaScript Edition dialog box, and click OK. All the document level scripts are stored within the PDF document.
- To edit an existing JavaScript, select it, and click Edit.
- To delete a JavaScript, select it, and click Delete.
- Upon completion, click Close to close the JavaScript Functions dialog box.
Document Action
You can create the document-level JavaScript actions that can be executed when certain document event occurs.
- Click Form > JavaScript > Document Action.
- In the Document Actions dialog box, select any of the document events below:
- Document Will Close: The event will be triggered before the document is closed.
- Document Will Save: The event will be triggered before the document is saved.
- Document Did Save: The event will be triggered after the document is saved.
- Document Will Print: The event will be triggered before the document is printed.
- Document Did Print: The event will be triggered after the document is printed.
- After selecting the document event, click Edit to enter JavaScript codes, and click OK upon completion.
JavaScript Console
JavaScript Console is a control panel for the execution and debugging of JavaScript code.
- Click Form > JavaScript > JavaScript Console.
- In the JavaScript Console dialog box, do the following:
- Enter JavaScript codes in the code area. By default, tips will be shown while you are editing JavaScript codes. If you do not want to see the tips, please uncheck the Show tips when editing option.
- After editing, click Run to run the JavaScript codes. Then the running results will be shown in the lower blank area in the JavaScript Console dialog box. If you need to delete the running result message, click Clear in the dialog box.
- Upon completion, click Close to close the JavaScript Console dialog box.
JavaScript Editor
You can use the JavaScript Editor to view, create, and edit all the JavaScripts in a PDF file.
- Click Form > JavaScript > Edit All JavaScripts.
- In the JavaScript Editor dialog box, click Go to to jump to a specific line of code.
- Edit codes as needed, and click OK to save them and close the JavaScript Editor dialog box.