Comment Tools Overview
Foxit PDF Editor provides a full set of feature rich tools to help you comment on PDF files easily. Comment tools include the Text Markup tools, Typewriter tools, Pin tools, Drawing tools, stamp tools, and measure tools. While adding comments with Text Markup tools, Typewriter tools, Pin tools, Drawing tools, or stamp tools, you can also click Keep Tool Selected in the Comments tab to keep the tool selected, so you can use the tools continuously without having to select the specific tool after each use.
Set Commenting Preferences
To set commenting preferences, please choose File in the Ribbon (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > Commenting.
- Viewing Comments
- Font and Font Size: Specify the default font and size for text in the comment pop-up notes and reply messages. These settings will take effect after you restart Foxit PDF Editor.
- Pop-up opacity: Set the opacity of pop-up notes for annotation commands.
- Print notes and pop-ups: Specify whether or not to print sticky notes and pop-up notes associated with comments in PDF as they appear on the page. Please note that if you want to print the pop-up notes associated with comments, you should open the pop-up notes that you want to print in the PDF file, and adjust their placement on the page before printing to ensure that they don’t overlap or spill off the page. While printing, make sure that you select the Document and markups option in Print What group in the Print dialog box.
- Ensure that pop-ups are visible as the document is scrolled: Ensure that the pop-up boxes float along with the page as the document is scrolled. This option is checked by default.
- Use Font and Font Size from Document (When present): This option is checked by default, which allows you to view the text in comment pop-ups and reply messages in the font and font size specified in documents. If this feature is enabled, document settings will prevail over the default settings for font and font size.
- Pencil Setting
- Enable to select pencil annotations when drawing: When the Pencil command is selected, the cursor changes into a pencil
. If this option is selected, the pencil changes into an arrow
when you put it over a pencil annotation, and you can click the annotation to select it. If the option is not selected, the pencil will not change into an arrow.
- Click to create annotations: If selected, you start to draw with the pencil when you click on the page, and in other words, only one click creates a pencil annotation; if not selected, you do not start to draw until you click and drag the pencil.
- Set Timeout: Specify a period of time within which all of the drawings/plans completed is one pencil annotation, after which what you draw is another pencil annotation.
- Enable to select pencil annotations when drawing: When the Pencil command is selected, the cursor changes into a pencil
- Pop-Up Open Behavior
- Automatically open comment pop-ups for comments other than notes: If this option is checked, a pop-up note will be opened automatically when you add a comment using the Text Markup tools, Pencil tool, Drawing tool, or Stamp tool. Please note that if the “Hide comment pop-ups when comments list is open” option is checked, the pop-up notes will not be opened automatically when the Comments panel is expanded.
- Hide comment pop-ups when comments list is open: This option is checked by default, which enables the application to hide the pop-up notes for all the comments (excluding Note comments) when the Comments panel is opened.
- Automatically open pop-ups on mouse rollover: If this option is checked, pop-up notes will be opened automatically when mouse over a comment in the document.
Add Comments in the PDF File
Add a Text Markup
- Click Comment in the Ribbon;
- Choose one of the following comment tools:
- Highlight
: Highlight the selected text.
- Underline
: Mark the selected text with an underline.
- Squiggly Underline
: Draw a squiggly line under the selected text.
- Strikeout
: Mark the selected text with a strikeout.
- Replace Text
: Draw a line to cross out the selected text and provide a substitute for it.
- Insert Text
: Insert text in the place desired.
- Highlight
- To highlight, squiggly mark, underline or strike out the text, select the text directly. After adding text markups, you can still drag the handle at the beginning or end of the text to adjust the text range you have selected.
- To replace the text, do the following:
- Select the text;
- Input the text in the pop-up window to provide a substitute for it.
- To insert text, do the following:
- Click the place where you want to insert the text;
- Input the text in the pop-up window.
Tip: Alternatively, you can also select the text on the document pane first, and then click the Highlight icon , Strikeout icon
, or Underline icon
on the floating toolbar to highlight, strike out, or underline the selected text.
Add a Note Comment
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Note;
- Choose a note style from the Note style list in the Format panel on the right of the document pane;
- Click the place where you want to add the note comment.
- Input the comment in the pop-up window.

Add a File Attachment as a Comment
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > File;
- Click the place where you want to add the file attachment;
- In the pop-up dialog, select the file you want to attach, and click Open.

Add a Drawing Markup
Add a Rectangle, Line, Arrow, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, or Cloud
- Click Comment in the Ribbon.
- Click the drop-down arrow in Drawing group, and choose a drawing markup tool as desired;
- To add a regular shape (like rectangle, line, arrow, or circle), do the following:
- Drag the cursor across the area in the document where you want to add the markup to.

- To add an irregular shape (like a polyline, polygon, or cloud), do the following:
- Click on the document to create the start point;
- Move the pointer, and then click on the document to create each segment;
- Do one of the following to complete drawing:
- Double-click the segment;
- Right-click the segment and choose Complete Drawing Markup.

Draw a Free-form Shape
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Pencil;
- Draw on the PDF file as desired;
- If you need to erase the pencil markup, click the Eraser tool, and drag to select the pencil markup you want to erase.

Highlight an Area
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Area Highlight;
- Click and drag the mouse over the area in the document you want highlighted.

Add a Text Comment
- Click Comment in the Ribbon;
- Choose one of the tools as desired:
- Typewriter: Add a text comment without any text box.
- Textbox: Add a text comment in a text box.
- Callout: Add a text comment in a callout text box.
- Click on the document where you want to add the comment, and type the text as desired;

Add a Stamp
Stamp a PDF
You can choose from a list of predefined stamps, or create custom stamps before stamping a PDF. All the stamps that you import or create are listed in the drop-down menu of the Stamp command and Stamps Palette. To apply a stamp, please do the following:
- Choose any of the following methods to open the Stamps Palette:
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Stamp.
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Show Stamps Palette. When you choose to show the stamps palette, the stamps palette will be opened as a floating window. You can drag the border to resize the window, or move the window to anywhere by dragging. Foxit PDF Editor will remember your adjustments to the window and show it as what you specified when you open the Stamps Palette in the future. In the Stamps floating window, click the drop-down list to select different stamp categories and display the stamps corresponding to the selected category.
- In the Stamps Palette, select a stamp.
- The cursor changes into a rectangle with the appearance preview of the stamp. Click on the position where you want to place the stamp, or drag a rectangle on the document page to define the size and placement.
- (Optional) To apply the stamp to multiple pages, please right-click the stamp and choose Place on Multiple Pages. Specify the page range to place the stamp and click OK.
Create a Stamp
Create a Custom Stamp
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Create Custom Stamp.
- In the Create Custom Stamp dialog box, click Browse and choose an image file or a PDF file. If the selected file contains multiple pages, drag the scroll bar or click the Left/Right arrow in the Select Image for Custom Stamp dialog box to select a page. If the stamp you choose is an image file, you can adjust the opacity of the image via dragging the Opacity scrollbar or changing the value in opacity box as needed.
- For Category, type a new category name or choose an existing category from drop-down list, name the stamp, and then click OK.
Create a Custom Dynamic Stamp
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Create Custom Dynamic Stamp.
- In the Create Custom Dynamic Stamp dialog box, choose one stamp template from the Stamp Template list, or click Create template to create your own stamp template from an image file. Choose an existing category from drop-down list or name a new one, then name the dynamic stamp.
- Specify Font, Font Size and Font Color. You can drag the Stamp Size slider to change stamp size when Font Size is set as Auto.
- From the Stamp Text option, please do the following:
- Type the text that you want to show on the stamp in the Stamp Text field directly, and click Add to add the text to the template.
- Choose <author name>, <date and time>, <date>, or <author name, date and time> to add current user, date, and time of your system to the stamp. After selecting the desired option, click Add to add it to the template. Please note that the date format shown in the stamp is the same as that you set in your system. When you add the stamp text with
or , Foxit PDF Editor will read the date format from your system and apply in on the stamp text you added. - Click <Custom values when stamp is added> to create custom dynamic stamp with custom values which invoke a prompt window for users to input information while adding a stamp in a PDF file. If you select this option, define the Field Name and Example in the pop-up window, and click OK to add it to the custom dynamic stamp. If you choose this option, it is recommended to set Font Size as Auto so that the custom values you added in the stamp will be adjusted automatically to adapt to your stamp field. After adding the value, you can also drag the Stamp Size slider to adjust its size, if necessary.
- You can instantly adjust the added content to fit your needs when you preview current stamp on the right top preview pane. If you want to remove the added text, select the text in the preview template, and click Remove.
- Click OK.
Create a Stamp from Clipboard
- Copy the image to the clipboard.
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Paste Clipboard Image as Stamp Tool.
- As your mouse hovers over the document, you can see the preview of the stamp. Click on the position to place the stamp on the document.
Manage Custom Stamps and Categories
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Manage Stamps.
- In the Manage Custom Stamps dialog box, do the followings:
- Click Create and choose one option from the drop-down menu to create a stamp. Please refer to Create a Stamp for details.
- Select an existing stamp, and click Edit to edit the stamp. Please refer to Create a Stamp for details.
- Select an existing stamp, and click Delete to remove the stamp. Please note that deleting a custom stamp category will delete all stamps that are subordinate to it.
Manage Stamps in PDFs
Cut/Copy and Paste a Stamp
To cut/copy and paste a stamp, please do the following:
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command or Select Annotation command, and then select the stamp you want to cut or copy.
- Right-click the stamp > Cut/Copy. Or use the shortcut keys Command + X/C to cut and copy.
- Do one of the following to paste the stamp as required:
- To paste the stamp at the specified location, right-click on the page you want to paste the stamp, and select Paste.
- To paste the stamp at the center of the page, press Command + V.
- To paste the stamp at the same position on a different page, right-click anywhere on the target page, and choose Paste in Place.
Undo/Redo a Stamp
To undo/redo a Stamp, please click the undo button and redo button
on the Quick Access toolbar.
Resize/move/add a pop-up note to a stamp
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command or Select Annotation command.
- To resize a stamp, select it, put the cursor on one of the red points, and drag one of the handles to make your adjustments.
- To move a stamp, select it to drag.
- To add a pop-up note to a stamp, select it and double-click the stamp or right-click it and choose Open Popup Note. If necessary, you can also enable automatic opening of comment pop-ups in Commenting preference so that a pop-up note will be opened automatically for you to input text message immediately after you add a stamp.
Rotate a stamp
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command or Select Annotation command.
- Click the stamp, a handle will appear over the stamp. Put the cursor on the handle and rotate the stamp by dragging the cursor. The rotating degree number will appear as you rotate the stamp.
Delete a stamp
Do one of the following:
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command or Select Annotation command.
- Select the stamp you want to delete and then press the Delete key.
- Right-click on the stamp, and choose Delete from the Context Menu.
Set Favorite Stamps
- Choose Comment in the Ribbon > Custom Stamp > Set Favorite Stamps.
- Select a stamp in All Stamps panel, and then click Add to Favorite, then the stamp you select will be added to Favorite Stamps panel.
- To remove a stamp from Favorite Stamps panel, select the stamp you want to remove and then click Remove from Favorite.
Arrange Stamps in a PDF
You can arrange multiple stamps by aligning, centering and distributing them. For more information, please refer to “Arrange Comments”.
Measure an Object
The Measures Tools enable you to measure distance, perimeter, and area of objects in PDF documents.
Set Measuring Preferences
Before measuring an object, you can go to File tab (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > Measuring to specify the unit, label, and leader for measurements.
Measure the Distance, Perimeter, and Area
- Click Comment in the Ribbon;
- Click the drop-down arrow in the Measure group to select the measure tool:
- To measure the distance between two points, select Distance. Click the first point, move the pointer to the second point, and click again. If you choose to use the default leader, move your mouse to determine the leader length, and then click on the document again to finish measuring.
- To measure a set of distances between multiple points, select Perimeter. Click the first point to start, and then click each point you want to measure. Double-click the last point to finish measuring.
- To measure the area within the line segments that you draw, select Area. Click the first point to start, and then click each point you want to measure. After you have clicked at least two points, click the first point or double-click the last point to complete the area measurement.
Tip: You can also choose to complete or cancel measurement by right-clicking the measurement and choosing options from the context menu.
Change the Measurement Settings
By default, when you select the measuring tool, the Format panel appears on the right of the document pane, which allow you to calibrate the scale ratio, snap measurement, export measurement markup, etc. (Tip: The Format panel can be hidden by clicking on anywhere along its left border. Foxit PDF Editor will remember the display status of the Format panel and keep it as it is until you re-adjust it manually. To re-display the Format panel after it has been hidden or closed, please click on its left border again, or click the Display comment format panel icon on the floating toolbar of an existing measurement markup.)
- If your PDF file includes embedded scale ratio, you can measure distance/perimeter/area using the embedded scale ratio. Before that, you need to select the Use Scale and Units From Document (When present) option in the File tab (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > Measuring. Then all the following measuring will use the embedded scale ratio. To calibrate the scale ratio for your document for an accurate result, choose either method of the following:
- With the Use Scale and Units From Document (When present) option selected:
- Choose Calibrate
from the Scale Ratio group in the Format panel and then click the two points of the line whose actual length has already been known. (Tips: When drawing, you can hold down SHIFT to snap the two points horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You can also click Snap to Paths
in the Snap group to capture the path in the page.)
- When the second point is selected, the Calibration dialog box pops up.
- Type the actual length that the line represents and choose the appropriate unit, which will set a new scale ratio.
- (Optional) If you already have the correct scale ratio, directly define the measurement value and choose the appropriate unit in the Scale Ratio group.
- Then in the pop-up Calibration dialog box, click Store Scale in Page to apply the new scale ratio to the current page, or click Apply to All Pages to apply it to all pages (Or click the
icon in the Scale Ratio group to apply the new scale ratio to the current page or all pages). The new scale ratio will be embedded into the page or all pages respectively, replacing the original embedded scale ratio.
- As the scale ratio is embedded into the document, the measurements in the document change accordingly.
- Choose Calibrate
- With the Use Scale and Units From Document (When present) option unselected, directly define a custom scale ratio in the Format panel, or click Calibrate
in the Scale Ratio group to define a new scale ratio. The defined scale ratio will only be applied to the current page.
- With the Use Scale and Units From Document (When present) option selected:
- Foxit PDF Editor will display the measurement results, measurement markups, and rulers by default. To hide these information, please uncheck the relevant option(s) under the Setting group.
- When you choose to show measurement markups, you can add a label to measurement markups either by using the one specified in measuring preferences or inputting a new one in the Add Label box.
- To get more accurate measurement result, choose the Snap option to snap the masurement to the particular point of lines.
- When the measurement completes, click the Export icon
to save all the measurement information in your PDF to a CSV file.
Accounting Calculator
The Accounting Calculator tool in Foxit PDF Editor gives you an easy way to have efficient paperless workflows. When preparing some digital workpapers (such as expense reports) or if you are an accountant and tax preparer, you can not only do calculations with the tool, but also add the electronic calculator tapes to your PDFs as annotations, the same way you did on paper.
- Open your PDF document in Foxit PDF Editor, and choose Comment in the Ribbon > Accounting Calculator.
- The calculator window pops up. You can see the calculator keypad on the left, the calculator tape area on the right, and the related buttons on top of the window. The functionality of the calculator is very similar to most hand-held calculators.
- (Optional) Before doing your calculation, do the following settings with the buttons as needed:
- Reset: Reset the calculator to the default settings.
- Undo/Redo: Undo or redo your last action.
- Date Time: Specify whether to show the current date and time on the calculator tape.
- Add Line/Del Line: Click Add Line to insert a blank row above the currently selected row in the existing tape and then you can double-click the cells in the newly-added row to enter a value and choose an operator. Or click Delete Line to delete a row that you want to delete from the tape. As you insert or delete a row, the calculation result updates automatically.
- Clear Tape: Discard all the current calculations and then you can start a new one.
- Decimal: Specify the number of displayed or rounded decimal places (i.e., the number of digits of the decimal part).
- Rounding: Specify the rounding method for the decimal part. For example, with the Decimal set to 2 above, the following table shows the different results of different rounding methods.
NumberRounding MethodResult8.330 Rounding Up/Down 8.34 (Rounding Up)
8.33 (Rounding Down)8.331 …… 8.338 8.339 8.330 Rounding 8.33 8.331 …… 8.334 8.335 Rounding 8.34 8.336 …… 8.339
- (Optional) Double-click a cell in the Comment column in the tape to add a description for the calculated item. You can also double-click the cells in the Amount and Op columns to make changes as needed.
- When you complete the calculation, you can type the name for the tape in the textbox above the calculator tape area, and save the tape to the document by clicking the Create Tape button.
- The digital calculator tape is added to the document as a Textbox comment.
(Optional) To modify the tape, right-click the tape in the document and choose Edit Calculator Tape from the context menu. Make necessary edits to the tape in the calculator window and click the Complete button when you finish. Select Yes in the pop-up dialog box if you want to update the creation time of the tape at the same time.
Tickmarks (Available in Subscription Releases)
Foxit PDF Editor offers pre-installed tickmarks that include symbols, numbers, and letters. These tickmarks can be used to annotate documents and are particularly useful for document review and reference purposes, such as audit working papers or financial statements, helping document workers explain their documents easily and effectively. They also enable efficient document navigation by allowing users to easily jump between tickmarks of the same style and color on pages.
To place tickmarks on a PDF, do the following:
- Go to the Comment tab, click the inverted triangle icon on the Symbols, Numbers, or Letters command, and select a symbol/number/letter from the dropdown menu.
From the dropdown menu, you can select Size and choose a desired size before selecting a tickmark. If you enable the Auto-Increment option in the menu, the number or letter will be added in an increasing order. The application will remember your settings for symbols, numbers, and letters, and automatically apply them to new tickmarks until you modify the settings.
- The cursor will change to a shape displaying a preview of the selected tickmark.
- Position the cursor where you want to place the tickmark and click, or drag a rectangle to define the size of the tickmark. By selecting the Keep Tool Selected command on the ribbon, you can continuously place multiple tickmarks on pages without the need to reselect the same tickmark.
- (Optional) Customize the color of the tickmarks. When you select a tickmark, a floating toolbar will appear. Click on the Switch color icon
on the floating toolbar to change the color of the tickmark. Alternatively, you can change the color through the Format tab in the right panel. To modify the color of a group of tickmarks with the same style and color, select the All marks with the same style and color option in the Format tab before making color changes.
- (Optional) Repeat the steps above to place more tickmarks on the document as needed.
- To navigate quickly between tickmarks (symbols only) with the same style and color, select a tickmark and click the Previous
or Next
button on the floating toolbar that appears when you click on the tickmark, or right-click the tickmark and choose Previous or Next from the context menu.
- (Optional) Click on a tickmark with the Hand command or the Select Annotation command to select the tickmark, which will be highlighted with a rectangle. If necessary, you can perform any the following:
- To resize the tickmark, drag the sizing handles located on the corners and sides of the rectangle.
- To move the tickmark, drag the rectangle to the desired location.
- To copy, cut, paste, or delete the tickmark, right-click it and choose the relevant option from the context menu.
- To arrange multiple tickmarks, select two or more tickmarks and choose a desired button from the floating toolbar to center, align, or distribute the selected tickmarks. You can also find these buttons in the Format tab or on the context menu after right-clicking the tickmarks. For more information about the buttons, please refer to “Arrange comments”.

Manage Comments
View All Comments
The Comments panel displays all comments in the PDF for you to view, find, mark, or reply comments easily.
View All Comments in Comments Panel
- Do any of the following to open the Comments panel if it is hidden:
- Click View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click View in the Ribbon > View Setting > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click the Comments button
in the Navigation panel.
- In the Comments panel, do the following:
- Type a key word in the Search Comments box to search and find comments.
- Click the Sort Comments button
to sort comments by page, author, date, type, status, or checkmark.
- Click the Expand or Collapse button
to choose how to display the comments in the Comments panel.
Show or Hide All Comments or Popup Notes
Show or Hide All Comments
Follow one of the steps below to show or hide all the comments in a PDF file.
- Click Comments in the menu bar > Comments > Show All Comments or Hide All Comments.
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Manage Comments > Comments > Show All Comments or Hide All Comments.
- Press the shortcut key Control + U to show all the comments, or Control + H to hide all the comments.
Open or Close All Comment Popups
Follow any of the steps below to open or close all the comment popup notes.
- Click Comments in the menu bar > Popup Notes > Open All Popups or Close All Popups.
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Manage Comments > Popup Notes > Open All Popups or Close All Popups.
- Right-click any existing comments in the document pane, and select Open All Popups or Close All Popups from the context menu.
- Press the shortcut key Control + K to open all the popup notes, or Control + M to close all the popup notes.
Tip: If you choose to hide all comments in a PDF document, comments will not be displayed in the Comments panel as well.
Change the Appearances of Comments
You can change the appearances of comments in the floating toolbar, Properties dialog box, or Format panel. After specifying the appearances, you can set the properties as default to apply the settings to subsequent comments of the same type by choosing the Set Current Properties as Default option in the context menu or Properties dialog box of an existing comment.
1. Change the appearance of comments in the floating toolbar
When you select an existing comment, you will find a toolbar floating right above or under the comment. From the floating toolbar, you can quickly adjust the font size (for typewriter comments only) or change the color for comments. For more professional settings, please go to the “Properties Dialog Box” and “Format Panel”.
2. Change the appearances of comments in the Properties dialog box
- Open the Properties dialog box by one of the following steps:
- Right-click the comment, and choose Properties from the context menu.
- Click Options in the comment pop-up window, and choose Properties.
- Change the thickness, color, opacity, and other settings in the Properties dialog box.
Tip: In the Properties dialog box, you can: 1) check Locked option to lock the current settings and prevent others from changing the properties; 2) check Set Current Properties as Default option to set the current properties as the default.
3. Change the appearances of comments in the Format panel
- By default, when you select a comment tool, the Format panel will be displayed automatically on the right of the document pane.
Tip: The Format panel can be hidden by clicking on anywhere along its left border. Foxit PDF Editor will remember the display status of the Format panel and keep it as it is until you re-adjust it manually. To re-display the Format panel after it has been hidden or closed, please click on its left border again, or click the Display comment format panel iconon the floating toolbar of an existing comment.
- In the Format panel, you will find the following options based on the comment or comment tool you have selected:
- <Comment Type> Style (e.g. Shape Style): Change the line color, fill color, width, opacity, and more.
- Foxit PDF Editor lists the predefined colors that are commonly used at the top of the <Comment Type> Style group. To apply a predefined color to your selected comment, click on the color directly. You can also click
to set custom colors. If you want to change the opacity, drag the Opacity slider right under the color options.
- Fill Color
: Set the fill color for comments added by the Arrow, Distance, or Perimeter tool.
- Line Width
: Set the line thickness of the comment. This option is available for comments with border lines (measurement markups, drawing markups, Textbox, and Callout comments).
- Dash Type
: Select an option from the list to make the line dashed. This option is available for measurement markups, drawing markups, Textbox and Callout comments.
- Start of line/End of line: Change the start or end style of a line. These options are available for measurement markups, Callout comments and certain drawing markups (like Line, Arrow, Polyline, and Polygon).
- Foxit PDF Editor lists the predefined colors that are commonly used at the top of the <Comment Type> Style group. To apply a predefined color to your selected comment, click on the color directly. You can also click
- Text Style: Set the font, font color, font style, font size, text alignment, etc. These options are available for text comments added by Typewriter, Callout, or Textbox tool. From this group, you can also specify the font, font style, and font size for the text in comment pop-ups and reply messages. After you change the text style, the text format for the pop-up notes and reply messages listed in the Comments panel will be changed accordingly as well.
Tips:- If you want to change the text style of an existing comment, you need to select the text in text comment first.
- When you reopen a PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor, how the text in comment pop-ups and reply messages will be displayed is affected by the settings in the Commenting preferences. If you have checked the Use Font and Font Size from Document (When preset) option in the Commenting preferences, the text in comment pop-ups and reply messages will be displayed in the font style specified in the document. Otherwise, they will be displayed with the default settings specified in the Font and Font Size options in the Commenting preferences.
- Note Style: Change the note icon for Note comments.
- <Comment Type> Style (e.g. Shape Style): Change the line color, fill color, width, opacity, and more.
- When completed, click the Close button
to close the Format panel.
Tip: For stamps, you can only change the opacity of stamps and the color of pop-up notes in the Stamp Properties dialog box.
Move the Comments
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command, Select Annotation command, or the corresponding comment command;
- Click the comment that you want to move, and then drag and move it to the desired place.
Note: You cannot move the text markups.
Cut, Copy, and Paste Comments
You can cut or copy comments in PDF documents, and paste them at the specified location, at the center of a page, or at the same position on a different page. For more information, please refer to “Cut/Copy and Paste a Stamp”.
Delete the Comments
Make sure that you have selected the Hand command, Select Annotation command, or the corresponding comment command, and do one of the following to delete a comment:
- Right-click the comment, and choose Delete from the context menu;
- Select the comment, and press the Delete key;
- Select Options from the comment pop-up window, and choose Delete.
- Right-click the comment that you want to delete in the Comments panel, and choose Delete.
Arrange Comments
When you select one or more comments, the Arrange commands appears in the Format panel and context menu, allowing you to arrange the comments. The Format panel can be hidden by clicking on anywhere along its left border. Foxit PDF Editor will remember the display status of the Format panel and keep it as it is until you re-adjust it manually. To re-display the Format panel after it has been hidden or closed, please click on its left border again, or click the Display comment format panel icon on the floating toolbar of an existing comment. You can arrange multiple comments by aligning, centering and distributing them. Please follow the steps below.
Select Multiple Comments
To arrange the comments, you have to select multiple comments that you want to arrange first.
To select multiple comments, make sure you have chosen the Select Annotation command, and do one of the following either on the document pane or in the Comments panel:
- To select individual comments in different parts, use Command + click to select each comment.
- To select comments around an area, drag a selection marquee around the area on the document pane.
- To select a range of comments, click the first comment in the range, then press Shift and click the comment.
- To select all comments on the current page, use Command + A. To select all comments in a PDF file, go to the Comments panel, select any comment, and then press Command + A.
- To deselect an individual comment, press the Command key and click the specific comment.
Tip: The comment highlighted in red is the anchor. When you select multiple comments by clicking, the last comment selected is the anchor.
Align Comments
- Select two or more comments that you want to align.
- Do any of the following:
- Open the Format panel if it is hidden. Then from the Alignment group in the Format panel, choose a command as follows:
- To align a column of comments, choose
, or
to align them respectively to the left edge, right edge, or vertical axis of the anchor comment.
- To align a row of comments, choose
, or
to align them respectively to the top edge, bottom edge, or horizontal axis of the anchor comment.
- To align a column of comments, choose
- Right-click the comment to which you want to align the other comment, choose Align, and then do the following:
- To align a column of comments, choose Left, Right, or Vertically to align them respectively to the left edge, right edge, or vertical axis of the anchor comment.
- To align a row of comments, choose Top, Bottom, or Horizontally to align them respectively to the top edge, bottom edge, or horizontal axis of the anchor comment.
- Open the Format panel if it is hidden. Then from the Alignment group in the Format panel, choose a command as follows:
Note: The alignment commands move the other selected comments to line up with the edges of the anchor comment.
Center Comments
This function enables you to center comments vertically, horizontally or both.
- Select the comments that you want to center.
- Do any of the following:
- Open the Format panel if it is hidden. Then from the Page Center group in the Format panel, choose
, or
to center them vertically, horizontally or both.
- Right-click a selected comment, choose Center, and then do the following:
- To center the selected comments between the top and bottom of the page, select Vertically.
- To center the selected comments between the left and right sides of the page, select Horizontally.
- To center the selected comments in the middle of the page, select Both.
- Open the Format panel if it is hidden. Then from the Page Center group in the Format panel, choose
Distribute Comments
In the context of laying out comments on a page, you can give a group of comments uniform spacing, based on the centers of adjacent comments. This function will be available when selecting three or more comments.
To distribute the comments, do any of the following:
- Open the Format panel if it is hidden. Then from the Distribute group in the Format panel, choose
to distribute vertically or horizontally.
- Right-click a selected comment, choose Distribute, and then do the following:
- To distribute the comments evenly between the topmost and bottommost comments, select Vertically.
- To distribute the comments evenly between the leftmost and rightmost comments, select Horizontally.
Reply to Comments
Reply to the Original Comments
To reply to an original comment in the pop-up note, do the following:
- Open the pop-up note of the comment that you want to reply to with one of the following methods:
- Double-click the comment that you want to reply to;
- Right-click the comment that you want to reply to, and select Open Popup Note from the context menu.
- In the pop-up note, click Options, and select Reply from the context menu;
- Input the text as desired.
Tip: If you have checked the Hide comment pop-ups when comments list is open option in Commenting preferences, pop-up notes will not be opened when the Comments panel is opened. In this case, you can uncheck the Hide comment pop-ups when comments list is open option in the Commenting preferences, or choose to reply to comments in the Comments panel.
To reply to an original comment in the Comments panel, do the following:
- Do any of the following to open the Comments panel:
- Click View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click View in the Ribbon > View Setting > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click the Comments icon
in the Navigation panel.
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click the comment that you want to reply to, select Reply from the context menu, and input the text in the comment pop-up note in the document pane.
- Click the comment that you want to reply to, and input the text in the Reply filed in the Comments panel.
Respond to Comment Replies
Right-click the title of a reply in the comment pop-up note, and do the following:
- To reply to the selected reply, choose Reply, and input the text.
- To delete the reply, choose Delete this Reply.
- To set a status or checkmark, choose Set Status or Mark with Checkmark.
Tip: To respond to comment replies in the comment pop-up notes when the Comments panel is opened, please make sure that you have unchecked the Hide comment pop-ups when comments list is open option in the Commenting preferences.
Set a Status
The status of a comment indicates the review process or action of the review participants.
You can do one of the following to add a review status to indicate which comment you have accepted, rejected, canceled, or completed:
- Right-click the comment > select Set Status > choose a status from the context menu;
- Open the Comments panel if it is hidden > right-click the comment that you want to set a status > select Set Status > choose a status from the context menu.
Tip: To remove the review status, follow the steps above and choose None from the context menu.
You can do one of the following to add a checkmark status to indicate which comment you have read or require further action:
- Right-click the comment > select Mark with Checkmark;
- Open the Comments panel if it is hidden, right-click the comment and select Mark with Checkmark.
Tip: To remove the checkmark status, follow the steps above and choose Remove Checkmark.
To view a markup’s history of changes, please follow the steps below:
- Right-click the markup in the document pane, and then choose Properties.
- In the Properties dialog box, click the Review History tab to view the history of status changes people have made to a markup.
Sort Comments
You can sort comments by page, author, creation date, type, status, or checkmark.
- Do any of the following to open the Comments panel if it is hidden:
- Click the Comments icon
in the Navigation panel.
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click View in the Ribbon > View Setting > Navigation Panels > Comments.
- Click the Comments icon
- Click
and choose an option as desired from the context menu.
Import and Export Comments
Import Comments
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Import;
- In the pop-up dialog box, select the comment data file (.fdf, .xfdf or .pdf file), and click Open to import the comment data to your currently opened PDF file.
Export Comments
Export All Comments
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Export > All Comments;
- In the pop-up dialog box, specify the file type (.fdf or .xfdf), file name and save location, and click Save to save the exported comment.
Export Highlighted Text
Foxit PDF Editor allows users to export highlighted text with the Text Highlight and Area Highlight tools, and save it as a CSV or TXT file.
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Export > Highlighted Text.
- In the pop-up dialog box, do the following:
- Specify the file name and save location in the Save As field and Where field respectively.
- By default, Foxit PDF Editor will save the exported text as a CSV file. To save it as a TXT file, please choose Text Files from the file type drop-down list.
- Click Save.
Export All Comments and Send by Email
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > FDF via Email.
- A blank message with the created FDF file included as an attachment will automatically open in your default e-mail program. Then input the e-mail address and send it.
Tip: Before sending the FDF file via email, you need to configure the email on your Mac device first.
Summarize Comments
Summarizing comments is an easy way to help you directly obtain a synopsis of comments associated with the PDF. To create a comment summary, do as below:
- Click Comment in the Ribbon > Summarize Comments.
- In the Create Comment Summary dialog box, specify the types of comments to be summarized, page layout, paper size, page ranges, etc., and click OK. Then a PDF named “Summary of Comments on [original document name].pdf” will be opened automatically. You can click the Save button
(or choose File > Save) to save the file.