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Bulk eSignatures

Bulk eSignature Functionality and Setups

What is Bulk Sending or Bulk eSignatures

If you need to get a copy of the same document signed by hundreds of signers, you can use Foxit eSign’s bulk eSignature solution. Some examples for bulk eSignatures are schools obtaining eSignatures on permission slips from the parents, home owner associations getting eSignatures from home owners on new mandates etc.

Can Online Link be used for Bulk eSignatures?

Yes, you can alternately use the embedded link or online link to get a copy of the same documents signed by many people just like bulk. The key advantages to using bulk eSignatures are:


Bulk sending requires reusable template, address book along with email groups to be created.

Steps to create email group:

Now you are ready to use the bulk eSignature functionality.

How to Send for Bulk eSignatures

Steps to Send Bulk eSignatures

All the steps below assume you are logged in with an active account on foxitsign.foxit.com.

Bulk Dashboard

Dashboard provides quick insight into the status of your bulk eSignature campaign status. You can download the screen table data at any given point using Excel Export icon at the bottom of the screen.

You can resend reminder email to all signers who have not yet signed the document. Additionally, you can also download all the executed documents’ data using Excel export icon just above the table showing all the recipients parties. 

eSigning Bulk Documents by recipients

The eSignature process for bulk signing is the same as sending to a single signer except you can send from a previously imported e-mail group. Each recipient from the bulk group email receives their copy of the document to electronically sign.

See also eSignature by Recipient.