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Work with Forms

Foxit PDF Reader Mobile supports both the AcroForms and XFA forms. Working with AcroForms is free in Foxit PDF Reader Mobile. To work with XFA forms, you need to subscribe to Foxit PDF Reader Mobile, and log in to your subscription account in Foxit PDF Reader Mobile.

Highlight Form Fields

You can highlight the form fields in PDF forms for easy recognition with the following steps:

Fill Out Forms

Fill in Interactive PDF Forms

Tip: If you work on a PDF form integrated with Ultraforms technology, Foxit PDF Reader Mobile can generate a 2D barcode right onto the form that contains the variable form data. You can use a supported scanner to scan, capture, and incorporate the form date into a database.

Fill in Non-interactive PDF Forms

You can use the Fill & Sign tools to add text and symbols in non-interactive PDF forms.


Sign PDF Forms

After filling PDF forms, you can sign PDF forms with your handwritten signatures or certificates. For more information, please refer to "Add Signatures".

Reset Form Fields

Flatten Form Fields

You can flatten PDF forms to make the forms fields a part of the page content and prevent further editing. Steps are as follows:

Import and Export Form Data

For AcroForms, Foxit PDF Reader Mobile supports to import and export form data in FDF format. For XFA forms, you can import and export form data in XML or XDP formats.

To import form data:

To export form data:

Sign PDF Forms

After filling PDF forms, you can sign PDF forms with your handwritten signatures or certificates. For more information, please refer to "Add Signatures".

Reset Form Fields

Flatten Form Fields

You can flatten PDF forms to make the forms fields a part of the page content and prevent further editing. Steps are as follows:

Import and Export Form Data

For AcroForms, Foxit PDF Reader Mobile supports to import and export form data in FDF format. For XFA forms, you can import and export form data in XML or XDP formats.

To import form data:

To export form data: