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Protect PDF Files

 Subscribers can protect PDF files by the following methods:

Protect a PDF File with Password

Protect a PDF File with Password and Restrict Document Actions

Tip: When opening a PDF file protected with a password, you will be required to input the password first. And the password is needed if you want to remove the restricted document permissions.

Remove Security Settings

To remove the password or restrictions to the PDF file:

Tip: The password is needed if you want to remove the restricted document permissions.

Protect a PDF File with Certificate (Android Only)


Protect PDF Information with Redaction

Foxit PDF Editor allows subscribers to permanently redact text, images, and pages to protect confidential information.

Redact Text or Image

Redact Pages

Search and Redact Text

For searchable PDF documents, you can redact specific text in a PDF file by search.


1. While in the redaction mode, you can swipe left/right (in Single, Facing, or Cover Facing mode) or up/down (in Continuous Scrolling mode) with two fingers to turn pages. To exit the redaction mode, tap Close on the toolbar on the top. 

2. Before applying the redaction, you can tap any marked items and choose Delete to cancel redacting the item. Once applied, the marked content will be permanently redacted and removed. Since the operation cannot be undone, it is recommended that you save a copy of the PDF document before redaction.

Protect a PDF File with Microsoft Information Protection


If you are using the Microsoft Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) environment, you can log in to the RMS server directly within Foxit PDF Editor.

If you are using the Microsoft Information Protection environment, you need to do the following deployment steps.

Deploy Microsoft Information Protection

To use Microsoft Information Protection in your client system, you need to follow Microsoft's instructions to deploy the Microsoft Information Protection mobile device extension first. For detailed deployment steps, please refer to “Active Directory Rights Management Services Mobile Device Extension”.

When deploying Microsoft Information Protection mobile device extension, you need to run the following Windows PowerShell commands to authorize Foxit PDF Editor for your devices.

For iOS:

Add-AdfsClient -Name "Foxit MobilePDF for iOS" -ClientId "972b6681-fa03-4b6b-817b-c8c10d38bd20" -RedirectUri @("com.foxitsoftware.com.mobilepdf-for-ios://authorize")

For Android:

Add-AdfsClient -Name "Foxit MobilePDF for Android" -ClientId "4ab81192-33f0-4ccb-bdbf-d17da3812dbb" -RedirectUri @("com.foxitsoftware.com.mobilepdf-for-android://authorize")

Encrypt a PDF File

Tip: Foxit PDF Editor supports Microsoft IRM protection for PFILE. PDF documents protected by Foxit PDF Editor will be saved as PPDF files. If you need to save encrypted files as standard PDF files, please contact Foxit at sales@foxit.com for customized package services.

Create Custom Permissions (Android Only)

Manage Custom Templates (Android Only)

Switch MIP Accounts (Android Only)

After log in to the MIP server, you can switch MIP accounts with the following steps:

Decrypt a PDF File Protected with Microsoft Information Protection