Share a PDF File by Email
Foxit PDF Reader allows users to share the currently opened PDF file by email as an attachment.
- Open the PDF file that you want to share with Foxit PDF Reader.
- Click Share > Email Current Tab to email the PDF file that you are currently reading. Or choose Share > Email > Email All Open Tabs to email all the PDF files that have been opened in Foxit PDF Reader.
- The PDF file will be attached in the email automatically in your default e-mail application. Then input the e-mail address and send it.
Tip: Before sharing a PDF file via email, you need to configure the email on your Mac device first.
Work with Files in Cloud Services
Foxit PDF Reader supports popular cloud services, including Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box. Users can access, edit, and save files in cloud services directly from within the application.
Add a Cloud Service
When opening or saving a file in a cloud service, you need to add the cloud service in Foxit PDF Reader.
- Choose File in the Ribbon > Open or Save As > Add a place.
- Click Add under the cloud service that you want to connect to, and input your credential to log in to the cloud service.
- When you have successfully logged in to the cloud service, the cloud service account will be listed in the Open list and Save As list in the File tab. If you want to remove the cloud service account from the list in the File tab, select the account, and click the Delete button
. (Tip: The cloud service accounts are synchronized across the Open list and Save As list in the File tab. When you add or delete a cloud service account in the Open list, the Save As list will be updated accordingly, and vice versa.)
- After you have connected to the cloud service, the Open dialog box or Save As dialog box will pop up, based on the command you have selected. Please refer to “Open a File from Cloud Services” and “Save Files in Cloud Services” for more information.
Tip: When adding a Google Drive or Dropbox account, you will be guided to sign in to the service in your system default browser. Please follow the on-screen instructions to sign in and authorize the access in your browser first, and then you can open and work with PDF files in Google Drive or Dropbox from within the application.
Open a File from Cloud Services
- If you haven’t added the cloud service in Foxit PDF Reader, follow the steps in “Add a Cloud Service” to add the cloud service account.
- If you have added the cloud service in Foxit PDF Reader before, choose File in the Ribbon > Open > the cloud service in the Open list. Then choose a recent folder or click Browse to browse for more folders.
- In the Open dialog box, select a file and click Open to open it with Foxit PDF Reader.
Save Files in Cloud Services
To save a PDF file that is opened from a local disk to your cloud service, please follow the steps below.
- If you haven’t added the cloud service in Foxit PDF Reader, follow the steps in “Add a Cloud Service” to add the cloud service account.
- If you have added the cloud service in Foxit PDF Reader before, choose File in the Ribbon > Save As > the cloud service in the Save As list. Then choose a recent folder or click Browse to browse for more folders.
- In the Save As dialog box, specify the target folder (if you open the home directory in the previous step), and click Save.
To save a PDF file that is opened from your cloud service, do any of the following:
- To save and replace the original PDF file in your cloud service, click the Save button
(or choose File > Save).
- To save the PDF file as a copy in your cloud service, follow the steps in “Save a Local PDF File to Cloud Service”.
- To save the PDF file opened from your cloud service to your local device, click File in the menu bar > Save as (Or click File in the Ribbon > Save As > Computer, and then choose a recent folder or click Browse to browse for more folders.). Then in the pop-up Save as dialog, specify the file name and output folder, and click Save.
SharePoint Integration
Foxit PDF Reader has been integrated with Microsoft SharePoint, which helps you better manage and share PDFs.
Open PDFs in SharePoint Repository
Set the Preferences about How to Open a Document
By default, Foxit PDF Readerwill let you choose how to open the document every time you open a PDF file from SharePoint. To specify how to open a document by default, please go to File tab (or Foxit PDF Reader in the menu bar) > Preferences > ECM Integration, and check the following option as needed in the SharePoint group.
- Open only: Open the PDF without checking out. This will allow other users to modify the PDF file at the same time when you are working on it.
- Check out and Open: Open and check out the PDF files from the server so that other users cannot edit the file at the same time.
- Allow you to choose when opening the document: Let you choose the way to open the document from SharePoint server. If you check this option, a dialog box will pop up when you open the document. In the dialog box, you can choose to open or check out and open the document as desired. This option is checked by default.
Open PDF Files in SharePoint Repository
- Choose File in the Ribbon > Open > Add a place, and click Add under the Microsoft SharePoint group.
- In the Add dialog box, enter the SharePoint URL, and click Next to continue.
- In the pop-up dialog box, enter the account and the password to sign in. When you have signed in successfully, the URL address will be listed in the Open group on the File tab for your easier access.
- Double-click the file that you want to open, and the Foxit PDF Reader dialog box will pop up by default for you to choose how to open the file.
- Choose Open to open the file without checking out.
- Choose Check Out and Open to open the file and check it out from the SharePoint server.
- (Optional) Check Don't ask me again to bypass the pop-up Foxit PDF Reader dialog box in the future and use your current choice as the default way to open a PDF from the SharePoint server.
Tip: You can specify the default way to open a file from SharePoint in SharePoint Preferences.
Edit Document Properties
To check and edit the document properties of a PDF file opened from the SharePoint server, please do the following:
- Click Share > SharePoint > Document Properties.
- In the Document Properties dialog box, you will find the file path and document properties. To edit a document property, double-click the column name, and edit the value in the Edit text box.
- Upon completion, click OK to confirm your edits. And click Share > SharePoint > Check In to save the PDF file and check it in to the SharePoint server.
Check Out, Discard Check Out, or Check In PDF Files
You can change the document status when working with PDF files in the SharePoint server.
- Click Share.
- Do any of the following:
- If you open a PDF from SharePoint without checking out but need to edit it, it is recommended to choose SharePoint > Check Out in the Share tab to check out the file so that users cannot modify it when you are working on it.
- If you want to cancel the check-out status and discard the changes you made to the PDF file, click SharePoint > Discard Check Out in the Share tab.
- When you complete your edits, click SharePoint > Check In in the Share tab to save the PDF file and check in back to the SharePoint repository. When checking in a file, you can select a version number (if version numbering is enabled) for the modified document and specify the version comments. If you still need to work with the PDF file after checking in and do not allow other users to modify the document, please remember to check the Keep the document checked out after checking in this version option in the Check In dialog box.
Save Local PDF Files to SharePoint Repository
To save a local PDF file to SharePoint in Foxit PDF Reader, please do the following:
- If you did not add the SharePoint server in Foxit PDF Reader before, click Add a place and choose Add under the Microsoft SharePoint to add the SharePoint server first.
- If you have added the SharePoint server in Foxit PDF Reader, choose File > Save as > the SharePoint URL address. Then choose a recent folder, or click Browse to browse for more folders.
- In the Save As dialog box, do the following:
- Select Shared Documents folder.
- Specify the file name in the File field, if necessary.
- Click Save.
PDF Review
About PDF Review
Foxit PDF Reader supports two kinds of PDF review: shared review and email review. With Foxit PDF Reader (V4.0 or later), you can easily join a PDF view, share the comments, and track reviews. In a shared review, you can make comments, share and track reviews via a server. While in an email review, you can make comments and send the reviewed PDF back to the initiator as an email attachment.
Join a Shared Review
- Download the document and open it with Foxit PDF Reader.
- If it is your first time opening a shared review document, you will be prompted for your identity information.
- Enter an account name and password for the shared folder where the shared review document is located.
- A message bar appears in the application window with three options: Check for New Comments, Publish Comments and a menu with several commands.
- You can add your comments using annotation tools and then click Publish Comments to publish your comments which will be saved to the shared server.
- Check For New Comments allows you to view comments made by the initiator or other reviewers. You can also reply to the comments. In normal situations, comment publishing and checking will happen automatically. Foxit PDF Reader supports to configure the interval to check for new comments by selecting a length of time in the File tab (or Foxit PDF Reader in the menu bar) > Preferences > Reviewing > Automatically check for new comments.
- Click Menu:
Track Reviews – To track all reviews you participated in, which is very useful when you are involved in multiple reviews. See also Review Tracker.
Save As Archive Copy – Saves a copy of the document with review comments to your hard drive when the review has ended.
Join an Email Review
The recipients can download the document sent from the initiator and open it with Foxit PDF Reader, add their comments and click Send Comments button in the message bar to send their comments back to the initiator.
Likewise, you can manage your reviews by using the Tracker. See also Review Tracker.
Review Tracker
Foxit PDF Reader provides a tracker to help you track reviews easily. Choose Share > Tracker, and then you can view the file name, deadline, number of comments, and the list of reviewers for the shared reviews or email reviews you have joined.
Collaborate on Shared PDFs in Real Time
For a PDF file that is shared via Link/Email using Foxit PDF Editor, Foxit PDF Reader users can join the online collaboration to add and reply to comments in real time. Note: An Internet connection and Foxit account signed-in are required to use this collaboration feature.
Join a Collaborative Review
Follow one of the steps below to join review based on how the PDF file is shared.
- If you receive the file link, click the link to open the shared PDF file in Foxit PDF Editor Cloud in your default web browser to review the document after logging in to Foxit Account. When the shared file is opened in Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, you can click Open in Foxit on the Title Bar and choose Open in Foxit PDF Reader to open the shared file in Foxit PDF Reader on your desktop for collaboration.
- If you receive the review invitation email, click the Open in Foxit PDF Editor Cloud button in the email to open the file in Foxit PDF Editor Cloud and review the document. Alternatively, you can click Share > Share Files to find the shared file in the Shared by others tab for collaboration. You can perform additional operations after clicking the three-dot icon
above the document pane of Foxit PDF Reader, such as viewing activities and copying the shared link. To leave a review, you can choose Remove Me from the menu.
Manage Shared Files
You may be involved with multiple reviews during daily document workflows. Foxit PDF Reader’s Share feature provides an easy way for document collaboration, but it also enables document reviewers to manage shared files in an organized way and track the review status with notifications.
To manage the shared files, do the following:
- Click Share > Share Files.
- On the Shared Files page, all files you shared using Foxit PDF Editor and all files that are shared to you by others are listed in the Shared by me tab and the Shared by others tab, respectively.
- In the file list, you can view detailed information about the shared file, such as reviewers, review status, and more. You can also search for a shared file if you are handling multiple document reviews. Perform operations like viewing review activities and leaving the review as needed.
You get notified when others perform actions on the shared documents. You receive messages about review activities and can view the messages in the notifications box that appears after you click the Notification icon (a bell icon) on Title Bar of Foxit PDF Reader. A red dot appears on the Notification icon if you have any pending messages. You can quickly mark all notifications in the box as read by clicking the horizontal three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the box and selecting Mark all as read from the drop-down menu. To delete all notifications, choose Delete all from the menu.