There are number of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to speed up your navigation within Foxit PDF PDF Reader. You can click Help menu > Keyboard Mapping to check the keyboard shortcuts. Some particularly important ones are listed here:
File Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Open File | Command + O |
Close File | Command + W |
Save As | Command + Shift + S |
Print a Document | Command + P |
Exit Foxit PDF Reader | Command + Q |
Save | Command + S |
Document Properties | Command + D |
View Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Zoom In | Command + = |
Zoom Out | Command + - |
Zoom To | Command + M |
Actual Size | Command + 1 |
Fit Page | Command + 2 |
Fit Width | Command + 3 |
Fit Visible | Command + 4 |
Single Page | Command + 7 |
Continuous | Command + 8 |
Facing | Command + 9 |
Continuous Facing | Command + 0 |
Rotate Right | Shift + Command + = |
Rotate Left | Shift + Command + - |
Go to Page | Command + G |
First Page | Fn + Left Arrow |
Last Page | Fn + Right Arrow |
Previous View | Command + Left Arrow |
Next View | Command + Right Arrow |
Full Screen | Command + L |
Show or Hide Rulers | Command + Option + R |
Line Weights | Control + Command + 5 |
Open Bookmarks Panel | Command + Option + 1 |
Open Pages Panel | Command + Option + 2 |
Open Comments Panel | Command + Option + 3 |
Open Layers Panel | Command + Option + 4 |
Open Attachments Panel | Command + Option + 5 |
Edit Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Copy | Command + C |
Cut | Command + X |
Paste | Command + V |
Undo | Command + Z |
Redo | Command + Shift + Z |
Select All | Command + A |
Add Bookmark | Command + B |
Preferences | Command + K |
Unrestricted Access | Command + U |
Tool Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Hand Tool | Command + 5 |
Select Text and Image | Command + 6 |
Select Annotation | Control + 6 |
Find | Command + F |
Find Previous | Shift + F3 |
Find Next | F3 |
Comment Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Highlight Text | Control + 1 |
Squiggly Underline | Control + 2 |
Underline Text | Control + 3 |
Strikeout Text | Control + 4 |
Replace Text | Control + 5 |
Insert Text | Control + 6 |
Area Highlight | Control + I |
Typewriter | Control + T |
Textbox | Control + X |
Callout | Control + J |
Note | Control + N |
Pin a File | Control + B |
Rectangle | Control + R |
Arrow | Control + A |
Line | Control + L |
Oval | Control + O |
Polyline | Control + Y |
Polygon | Control + G |
Cloud | Control + C |
Pencil | Control + P |
Eraser | Control + E |
Measure Distance | Control + Shift + D |
Measure Perimeter | Control + Shift + P |
Measure Area | Control + Shift + A |
Keep Tool Selected | Control + Z |
Export All Comments | Control + Shift + L |
Export Highlighted Text | Control + Shift + I |
Show All Comments | Control + U |
Hide All Comments | Control + H |
Open All Popups | Control + K |
Close All Popups | Control + M |
Help Keys
Action | Shortcut |
User Manual | F1 |