Manage Bookmarks
Bookmarks are navigation tools that make your PDF files easier to read. With Foxit PDF Reader, you can easily add, edit, or delete bookmarks in a PDF file if the security settings allow.
Open the Bookmark Panel
- Do any of the following to open the Bookmarks panel:
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Bookmarks.
- Click the Bookmarks button
in the Navigation panel.
- Press the shortcut key Option + Command + 1.
- In the Bookmarks panel, you can click the Expand or Collapse button
to expand or collapse all bookmarks.
Add a Bookmark
- (Optional) If you want to add a bookmark in a bookmark list for a PDF file that contains bookmarks, select the bookmark after which you want to place the new bookmark.
- In the document page, do the following:
- To save the current view as a bookmark, navigate to the page and location where you want the bookmark to link to.
- To save the selected text as a bookmark, select text with the Select Text command or Hand command (if you have checked the Make Hand Tool select text option in Preferences > General).
- Do any of the following:
- (For selected text only) Click
on the floating toolbar to save the selected text as a bookmark. By default, the selected text will be used as the bookmark name. You can follow the steps in “Rename a Bookmark” to rename it, if necessary.
- Click the Add Bookmark button
in the Bookmarks panel, and then input the name for the bookmark.
- (For selected text only) Click
Tip: After adding a bookmark, you can also move it to a desired hierarchy, if necessary. Please refer to Move a Bookmark for more information.
Edit a Bookmark
In Foxit PDF Reader, you are able to rename a bookmark, reset a bookmark’s destination, or customize the text appearance of a bookmark with ease if the security settings allow.
Rename a Bookmark
- In the Bookmarks panel, double-click the bookmark you want to rename (or right-click the bookmark and choose Rename).
- Type the new name, and press Enter.
Reset a Bookmark's Destination
- In the document page, move to the location you want to specify as the new destination.
- In the Bookmarks panel, right-click the bookmark which you want to reset the destination, and choose Set Destination.
- Click Yes to confirm your operation.
Customize the Text Appearance of a Bookmark
- In the Bookmarks panel, right-click the bookmark, and choose Properties.
- In the Bookmark Properties dialog box, click the Appearance tab, and select the font style and color for the text.
- Upon completion, click Close to close the dialog box.
Tip: After defining a bookmark's appearance, you can set it as bookmarks' default property by right-clicking the bookmark and then selecting Use Current Appearance as New Default option.
Add an Action to a Bookmark
- In the Bookmarks panel, right-click the bookmark, and choose Properties.
- In the Bookmark Properties dialog box, click the Action tab.
- Choose an action from the Select Action menu and click Add, and then do the following:
- Select Trigger – Specify the user action that initiates an action.
- Select Action – Specify the event that occurs when the user triggers the action.
- Go to a page view – designate to a specific page view. You can not only designate to a page in the current PDF, but also to the page in another PDF. Also, you may change the current zoom setting and then set the position. To go to a page view, choose this option, click Add button and do the following:
- If your document includes named destinations, choose any of the following options in the pop-up dialog box first. If not, skip this step.
- Use Page Number: Go to a page in the current document or newly opened document. After checking the option, following the steps in “Set the position in current document” and “Set the position in another PDF document” complete your setting.
- Use Name Destination: Go to a specified named destination. After checking the option, click Browse to select a named position from the list in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK.
- Set the position in current document – scroll the current document, go to a new position where you want to set and change its magnification (if necessary), and click Set this position.
- Set the position in another PDF document – click the Open button in the File menu > select the PDF you want to set position > scroll this document and go to a position where you want to set > change its magnification (if necessary) > click Set this position.
Tip:The new PDF document should be opened in the existing window but not a new window.
- If your document includes named destinations, choose any of the following options in the pop-up dialog box first. If not, skip this step.
- Open/execute a file – designate to open another file. To do this, choose Open/execute a file > click Add button > select the destination file and click Open.
- Open a web link – designate to open a web link. To do this, choose Open a web link > click Add button > enter the URL of the destination web page > click OK.
- To show/hide a field, select the option > click Add > choose to show or hide the selected button when the user triggers the action, and click OK.
- To submit a form, select the option > click Add > choose the export format, submission method, decide which fields should be submitted, and click OK.
- To reset a form, select the option > click Add > select the fields that will be reset, and click OK.
- To import form data, select the option > click Add > choose the FDF file that contains the form data you want to import, and click Open.
- To run a JavaScript, select the option > click Add > enter JavaScript, and click OK.
- Go to a page view – designate to a specific page view. You can not only designate to a page in the current PDF, but also to the page in another PDF. Also, you may change the current zoom setting and then set the position. To go to a page view, choose this option, click Add button and do the following:
- Actions – Display the list of triggers and actions that you have defined.
- Up and down buttons – Change the order in which the selected action appears listed under the trigger. (Available only when you have defined multiple actions for the same trigger.)
- Edit – Open a dialog box with specific options for the selected action. You can also double-click the actions to open a dialog box.
- Delete – Remove the selected action.
- Upon completion, click Close to close the Bookmark Properties dialog box.
Delete a Bookmark
To delete a bookmark, please do one of the following in the Bookmarks panel:
- Select the bookmark you want to delete, and click the Delete Bookmark button
at the top of the Bookmarks panel.
- Right-click the bookmark you want to delete, and choose Delete.
- Select the bookmark you want to delete, and press the Delete key in your keyboard.
Tip: Deleting a bookmark deletes all the bookmarks that are subordinate to it.
Move a Bookmark
To move a bookmark, please do one of the following in the Bookmarks panel:
- Select the bookmark that you want to move, and drag it to the desired place.
- Right-click the bookmark that you want to move, and click Cut from the context menu. Then right-click the destination bookmark, and select one of the options:
- Paste under Selected Bookmark: Paste the bookmark as a child bookmark under the destination bookmark.
- Paste after Selected Bookmark: Paste the bookmark as a parent bookmark after the destination bookmark.
Manage File Attachments
Open the Attachments Panel
Do any of the following to open the Attachments panel:
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Attachments.
- Click the Attachments button
in the Navigation panel.
- Press the shortcut key Option + Command + 4.
Add a File Attachment
- In the Attachments panel, click the Add Attachment button
- In the File Attachment dialog box, click Add Files, and select one of the following options:
- Add Files: Add one or more files. You can choose files from local drives or click Open from ECM to select files from ECM systems and cloud services.
- Add Folder: Choose a folder to add all the supported files in that folder.
- Click OK, and then the selected files will be added as attachments in the PDF document.
Work on the File Attachments
Configure Security Settings
You can configure the security settings about how to open a file attachment with the following steps:
- In the Attachments panel, click the Settings button
- In the Preferences dialog box, do any of the following:
- To add a new extension, click the Add button, input the file extension, and click OK.
- To delete an extension, select the existing extension in the list, and click Delete.
- To change the settings of how to open the attachment of a certain type, choose the desired option from the Strategy drop-down list.
- Click OK to apply the settings.
Manage File Attachments
In the Attachments panel, right-click a file attachment, and select one of the following options from the context menu:
- Open: Open the attachment in Foxit PDF Reader or other supported application installed in your local computer. Please note that how the file attachment will be opened depends on your security setting in the Preferences. And you can also double-click the file attachment in the Attachments panel to open it.
- Delete: Delete the selected attachment.
- Save Attachment: Save the selected attachment as copy in your local disk.
- Properties: Add a description for the selected file attachment.
Manage Page Thumbnails
Open the Pages Panel
Do any of the following to open the Pages panel:
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Pages.
- Click the Pages button
in the Navigation panel.
- Press the shortcut key Option + Command + 2.
Work on Page Thumbnails
The Pages panel displays all the page thumbnails of a PDF file which is opened in Foxit PDF Reader. In the Pages panel, you can do any of the following:
- To resize the page thumbnails, click the Enlarge button
or Reduce button
, or right-click on a page thumbnail and select Enlarge Page Thumbnails or Reduce Page Thumbnails.
- To change the visible area of the page in the document pane, click on a page thumbnail, and move the red rectangle.
- To print a selected page, right-click on a page thumbnail, and select Print Pages.
- To specify the tab order for a selected page, right-click on a page thumbnail, and select Properties. Then select an order as desired in the Tab Order tab.
- To add an action to a page, right-click on the page thumbnail, and select Properties. In the Page Properties dialog box, click the Actions tab, choose a trigger method and action from the Select Trigger and Select Action menu, and click Add. And then refer to the section of “Add an Action to a Bookmark”.
Show or Hide PDF Layers
In a PDF, information can be stored on different layers. To show or hide related content stored in a variable number of separate layers, you can simply refer to the Layer panel on the left side of the work area. Please note that you cannot create or edit layers in Foxit PDF Reader; however, you can view layers and choose to show or hide the content associated with each layer.
- Do any of the following to open the Layers panel if it is hidden:
- Choose View in the menu bar > Navigation Panels > Layers.
- Click the Layers button
in the Navigation panel.
- Press the shortcut key Option + Command + 3.
- To hide a layer, uncheck the layer.
- To show a hidden layer, click the empty box and a checkmark will appear.
- From the Options menu at the top left corner of the Layers panel, choose one of the following:
- List Layers for All Pages – Show every layer across every page of the document.
- List Layers for Visible Pages – Show layers only on the visible pages.
- Reset to Initial Visibility – Reset layers to their default state.
- Expand All – Expand all layers.
- Collapse All – Collapse all of the current layers in the view.
- Apply Print Overrides – Determine whether to display a layer according to its corresponding Print setting in the Layer Properties dialog box. The option is available when Never Prints or Always Print is selected.
- Apply Export Overrides – Determine whether to display a layer according to its corresponding Export setting in the Layer Properties dialog box. The option is available when Never Exports or Always Exports is selected.
- Apply Layer Overrides – Display all layers in the document regardless of the settings in the Layer Properties dialog box, and you cannot change layer visibility until you deselect this command or choose Reset to Initial Visibility in the Options menu. However, you are still allowed to rename layers when the command is selected.
Play Audio & Video
To play an audio or video, please make sure you have necessary media player installed on your device, and then do the following:
- Make sure that you have selected the Hand command.
- Click the play area of the audio or video.
Work with Image Annotations
Add an Image Annotation
You can add an image annotation to a PDF with the Image Annotation command.
To add an image annotation, do the following:
- Choose Home > Image Annotation.
- Drag a rectangle on the page to define the canvas area for the image.
- In the Add Image dialog box, click the Browse button to select the image that you want to insert.
- Click the Advanced button to edit the setting of the image.
- When to scale – choose when to scale the image you insert.
- Scale – choose to scale the image non-proportionally or proportionally. This option will be disabled when you select Never in the field of When to scale.
- Border – drag and move the scroll bar to change image’s position in the rectangle. The coordinates change when you move the scroll bar.
- Click OK for your changes to take effect, or click Reset to reset the data to the original settings.
- Click OK.
- (Optional) If you want to place the image annotation in the same position on multiple pages, do the following:
- Right-click the image annotation, and choose Place on Multiple Pages.
- In the Place on Multiple Pages dialog box, specify the page range and subset, and click OK.
Manage Image Annotations
After you insert a new image annotation, you can adjust its size and position, change the appearance and other settings, etc.
Move an Image Annotation
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the Image Annotation command.
- Do any of the following:
- Select the image annotation you want to move, and drag it directly to the desired location.
- Select the image annotation, and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move it to the desired location.
- Right-click the image annotation that you want to move, and choose Cut. Then navigate to the target location, right-click on the page, and select Paste. You can also use the shortcuts Command + X and Command + V to cut and paste the selected image annotation.
Resize an Image Annotation
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the Image Annotation command.
- Select the image annotation that you want to resize, and do any of the following:
- Drag any of the border handles directly.
- Use Option (or Option + Shift) + arrow keys on your keyboard.
Delete an Image Annotation
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the Image Annotation command.
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click the image annotation that you want to delete, and choose Delete.
- Select the image annotation that you want to delete, and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Set Properties of an Image Annotation
- Make sure that you have chosen the Select Annotation command or the Image Annotation command.
- Double-click the image or right-click it and select Properties.
- In the Appearance tab, do any of the following:
- Annotation is hidden from view – If this option is checked, the image annotation will be invisible in Hand command mode.
- Border – Select the border width of the image and the border’s style and color.
- In the Settings tab, follow the steps in “Add an Image Annotation”.
- For the Actions tab, please refer to “Actions Tab”.
- (Optional) To prevent any further changes to the image properties, check the Locked option in any tab.
- Click Close to apply the properties, and close the Image Properties dialog box.
Arrange Image Annotations
For existing image annotations in a PDF file, you can align, center, distribute, or resize them based on an anchor object. For more information, please refer to “Arrange Comments”.
Create Links in a PDF
Links help you to lead the readers to related articles, references, or the intended web page.
Add Rectangle Links
- Click Home > Link.
- Position the cursor on the place you want to add the link, hold and drag your mouse button to draw a rectangle.
- In the pop-up dialog, do the following:
- Specify the link appearance in the Appearance group.
- Select one of the following link actions in the Destination group:
- Go to a page view: To designate the link to a specific page view, check Go to a page view option > click Next > scroll the document to the position where you want to set destination > click Set this position.
- Open/execute a file: To designate the link to open a specific file, check Open/execute a file option > click Next > select the destination file and click Open.
- Open a web link: To designate the link to open a web page, check Open a web link option > click Next > input the URL address or select an address you have added before from the drop-down list > click OK.
- Others (View Action Properties dialog box): Open the Link Properties dialog box to view, add, or edit the link actions.
Move or Resize a Rectangle Link
You can move and resize the rectangle link after you create it.
- Select the Link tool in the Home tab, and then click on the link to select it.
- To move the link, drag it to the desired position.
- To resize the link, drag any corner point to adjust its size as desired.
Delete a Rectangle Link
- Select the Link tool in the Home tab.
- Do any of the following:
- Click the link that you want to delete, and press the Delete key.
- Right-click the link that you want to delete, and choose Delete from the context menu.
Spelling Check
By default, Foxit PDF Readerautomatically checks the spelling when you add text comments or fill in text fields in interactive PDF forms. The suspected misspellings will be underlined with red squiggly lines. You can right-click a misspelled word to find suggestions and correct it quickly. To change the default settings, please choose File in the Ribbon (or Foxit PDF Reader in the menu bar) > Preferences > Spelling.