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Organize PDF Pages


Foxit PDF Editor comes with a built in functionality to insert PDF files & split one PDF into various small single & multiple page PDF files according to page numbers as well as page range. You can also rearrange pages, add page marks (such as header & footer) to PDFs, and more. During page organization, pages can be displayed in Thumbnail View mode (in which all the panels are hidden) or Page View mode (in which the Pages panel is opened). Clicking Thumbnail View button in the Organize tab helps you switch between Thumbnail View mode and Page View mode. For both view modes, you can use the page organization commands in the Organize tab or the options in the context menu to organize pages. For Thumbnail View mode, you can additionally find the floating buttons to rearrange pages when you mouse over a page thumbnail. 

Insert Pages

Foxit PDF Editor enables you to insert pages from files (either from a page range or the entire file), a folder, a scanner, clipboard, and a blank page. You can also insert pages into multiple documents at a time.

Insert Pages from Files

Foxit PDF Editor allows you to insert pages into a PDF file from one or more files. When inserting pages from non-PDF files (including text files, Microsoft Office files, HTML files, and image files), Foxit PDF Editor will convert them to PDFs automatically. To ensure that the Microsoft Office files can be successfully converted and inserted into the target document, please make sure that you have installed Microsoft Office 2016 or higher on your Mac device.

Insert Pages by Drag-and-Drop

Directly drag and drop the file that you want to insert into the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and then all the pages from the file will be inserted into your current PDF file.

Insert Pages by Commands or Options

Alternatively, you can use the commands in the Organize tab or options from the context menu to insert pages. In this workflow, you can also specify the page range that you want to insert, if necessary.

Insert Pages from Folder

Insert Pages from Open Files

Insert Pages from the Pages Panel

Insert Pages by Commands or Options

Insert Pages from Scanner

You can insert pages from a paper document using Foxit PDF Editor and your scanner.

Insert Pages from Clipboard

Insert Pages from a Blank Page

Insert Pages into Files

Foxit PDF Editor allows you to insert pages from the currently-opened PDF file into other files. Steps are as follow:

Rotate, Move, Swap, and Delete Pages

Rotate Pages


1. Press Command/Shift + click to select multiple page thumbnails at one time. If you want to select all the page thumbnails, select a single page thumbnail first, and then press Command + A.

2. The rotate buttons floating over a page thumbnail are available in Thumbnail View when you only select a single page thumbnail.

Move Pages

Swap Two Pages

Delete Pages

Extract, Duplicate, and Replace Pages

Extract Pages

Extraction is the process of reusing selected pages of one PDF in a different PDF.

For a quick page extraction with default settings, you can select the page thumbnails in the Pages panel, and drag and drop them out of Foxit PDF Editor interface. Then the selected pages will be extracted as a new PDF file and saved in your local device.

To extract pages and specify settings, please follow the steps below:

Duplicate Pages

The Duplicate Pages feature allows you to copy pages within a PDF document.

Replace Pages

You can replace an entire PDF page with another PDF page.

Split PDFs into Multiple Files

The Split Document feature is a process of splitting one or more documents into multiple smaller-size documents.

Crop Pages

The Crop Pages feature allows you to adjust the visible page area, define page boxes for easier printing, and resize pages to make them consistent across the whole document.

Flatten Pages

The Flatten Pages feature can make annotations and form fields in the PDF file become part of objects of the PDF pages.

To flatten pages, do as follows:

Tip: After flattening, the annotations and form fields are converted to text objects or shape objects that can only be edited by using the editing tools. However, some elements may be unavailable after flattening, including the text in the pop-up notes, file attachments that are attached as annotations, multimedia items, etc. The flattening operation cannot be undone. If you want to retain a copy of the original PDF, make sure that you save the new document using Save As rather than Save.

Reverse Pages

The Reverse Pages feature allows you to quickly reverse a range of pages that are created in reverse order, which is very useful when adjusting the page numbers of scanned PDF files.

Manage Headers and Footers

Foxit PDF Editor allows you to add and update headers and footers which include dates, page numbers or custom text throughout a PDF file.

Add Headers and Footers

Update Headers and Footers

Remove All Headers and Footers

Manage Background

Foxit PDF Editor allows users to custom a color or image as the background of a PDF file.

Add a New Background to PDF

Update the Background

Remove the Background

Manage Watermarks

Add Watermarks to PDF

With Foxit PDF Editor, you can add watermarks which can be custom text or image to a PDF file.

Update the Watermark

Remove the Watermark

Manage Bates Numbering

Bates numbering is used in the legal, medical, and business fields to place identifying numbers and/or date/time-marks on images and documents. These numbers may be solely numeric or may contain a combination of letters and numbers. It is a unique serial number attached to every page of a document collected and is also a method of indexing legal documents for easy identification and retrieval.

Add Bates Numbering

Remove Bates Numbering

To remove bates numbering in the currently-opened PDF file, choose Organize > Bates Numbering > Remove All, and then confirm your operation.

Change the Format of Page Numbering

If your PDF file contains front matter likes document cover and copyright page, the page numbers on the document pages may not match the page numbers shown below the page thumbnails in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window. Foxit PDF Editor enables users to change the format of page numbering displayed in PDF viewers to meet different needs.

To change the format of page numbering, please do as follows: