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Edit PDF Files

Foxit PDF Editor provides the general editing features to help you bookmark pages and add outlines to PDF files. Subscribers can get more advanced editing capabilities to edit text/image objects, insert audio/video files, create hyperlinks, and more. 

Bookmark a Page

Foxit PDF Editor enables you to bookmark a page in a PDF file so that you can reference it later with ease, which is particularly useful when reading long documents like user manuals or research papers.

Bookmark a Page 

To bookmark a page, tap  on the toolbar at the top (on tablets) or  on the toolbar at the bottom (on phones). All the pages you have bookmarked will be listed in the Bookmarks pane.

Edit the Bookmarks

Add an Outline

Outline is a structured list that helps you jump to the specific section of a PDF file.

Add an Outline

Edit an Outline

Add and Edit Text Objects (Subscription Required)

Add Text Objects

Edit Text Objects

To edit existing text objects in a PDF file, please do the following:

Change Text Styles

While adding or editing text objects in a PDF file, you can change the text styles including the font, size, color, alignment, etc.

Move or Delete Text Paragraphs

Add and Edit Image Objects (Subscription Required)

Add Image Objects

The selected image will be added at the place you specified in the PDF file. You can also tap the added image object to move, resize, or rotate it as desired.  

Edit Image Objects

To edit existing text objects in a PDF file, please do the following:

Insert an Audio (Subscription Required)

The audio will be inserted in the place you specified. You can play the audio after exiting the editing mode. Please refer to “Play a Video or Audio” for more information.

Insert a Video  (Subscription Required)

Create a Hyperlink (Subscription Required)

Foxit PDF Editor allows subscribers to create a hyperlink in a PDF file to link to a specific page in the current PDF or a designated website.

After exiting the editing mode, you can tap the hyperlinked content to jump to the designated location. Please refer to “Jump to the Designated Location with Link” for more information.

Undo and Redo the Last Action

Tip: On phones, before choosing the Undo or Redo tool, you first need to tap  on the toolbar at the top to access the Undo & Redo toolset.