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Adjust PDF Views

While reading a PDF file, you can enhance your PDF viewing with the following:

Page Display Mode Settings

Set the Display Mode

While reading a PDF file, you can change its display mode with the following steps:

Tip: After you have specified the page display mode for a document, Foxit PDF Editor will remember your setting and set it as default. Please note that the preset page display mode (if any) prevails over the default setting. For a PDF file that has been opened in Foxit PDF Editor before, the last view settings will be applied when it is reopened.

Show or Hide Page Separator

When reading in Facing or Cover Facing mode, Foxit PDF Editor will show the separator between pages by default. You can hide the page separator with the following steps:

To show the hidden page separator in Facing or Cover Facing mode, you can redo the steps and slide the Separator in Facing Mode toggle to on.

Night Mode

Night Mode allows easier reading in low light conditions by inverting black and white in your documents, which helps to relieve eye strain as well as save the device’s battery.

For tablets

For phones

Text Reflow

The Text Reflow mode displays PDF pages in a single column that is the width of the document pane, making it easier to read on mobile devices without scrolling horizontally to read the text.

To accessthe text reflow mode:

For tablets

For phones

In the text reflow mode, change the settings as desired by doing the following:

To exit the text reflow mode:

Rotate View

Note: The rotate view setting only temporarily changes your view of the page in 90-degree increments. If you need to change the page orientation and save the changes to the PDF file, please subscribe to Foxit services and use the “Organize PDF Pages” features.

Zoom In and Zoom Out Settings

Zoom In and Zoom Out of the PDF File

Choose one of the following to zoom in or out of the PDF file:

Pan and Zoom

The Pan and Zoom tool gives you an overview of the current page, and displays a rectangle on the overview to indicate which part of the page is being displayed in Foxit PDF Editor. You can use this tool to pan around pages and zoom the specified part of a page, which is very useful when you are viewing a large file and cannot see your whole document page. The steps are as follows:

Fit Page and Fit Width

For tablets

For phones

Keep Zoom Ratio

When reading a PDF file, both in the Continuous Scrolling mode and non-continuous scrolling mode, Foxit PDF Editor will keep the zoom ratio by default so that you can view all the pages in the same zoom ratio. In the Continuous Scrolling mode, the zoom ratio is always inherited across all pages. While in the non-continuous scrolling mode, you can discard the zoom ratio of the current page and apply the view settings specified when you turn to a new page, if necessary. To discard the zoom ratio, please tap Discover on the main interface > Settings, and slide the Keep Zoom Ratio toggle to off in the PDF VIEW group.

Crop Mode Settings

Crop mode helps you remove unnecessary document margins and extra white space for a better reading experience.

To crop the document margins:

To restore the cropped margins, repeat Step 1, and choose Remove all page cropping.

Change the Color of Page Backgrounds

While reading a PDF file, you can change the color of page backgrounds to get a better reading experience. The steps are as follow:

Keep the Screen Awake while Reading PDFs

You can prevent your device from auto-locking while reading PDFs with Foxit PDF Editor, which is handy when you are reading a PDF for a long time without performing any actions on the screen.

To turn off this feature, please redo the steps and slide the Keep Screen On toggle to Off.