Keyboard Shortcuts
There are number of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to speed up your navigation within Foxit PDF Editor. You can both use the default keyboard shortcuts and customize your own shortcuts.
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts
To customize the keyboard shortcuts, please do as below:
- Click
on the Quick Access Toolbar, and select More Commands. Or right-click the ribbon area and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
- In the pop-up Customize Tools dialog box, choose Keyboard tab.
- Choose the command’s category in the Categories list and the action in the Command list.
- Input the appropriate shortcut with your keyboard in the Press shortcut field, and click Assign to apply the shortcut. If you want to change the shortcut, just input the new one to replace it directly.
Note: The shortcut keys that have already being used cannot be reassigned. A message under the input tab will show you whether the shortcut key has been used by another command.
- (Optional) To remove the shortcut for a command, select the command from the Command list, and click Remove. To revert all the keyboard shortcuts to the default settings, click Rest All.
- Click OK to apply the settings and close the Customize Tools dialog box.
Check the Default Keyboard Shortcuts
To check the default keyboard shortcuts, click Help menu > Keyboard Mapping. Some particularly important ones are listed here:
File Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Open File | Command + O |
Close File | Command + W |
Save As | Command + Shift + S |
Print a Document | Command + P |
Exit Foxit PDF Editor | Command + Q |
Save | Command + S |
Document Properties | Command + D |
View Keys
Edit Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Copy | Command + C |
Cut | Command + X |
Paste | Command + V |
Undo | Command + Z |
Redo | Command + Shift + Z |
Select All | Command + A |
Add Bookmark | Command + B |
Search & Replace | Command + T |
Search & Redact | Command + R |
Preferences | Command + K |
Delete the word before the cursor’s current position | Command + Backspace |
Tool Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Hand Tool | Command + 5 |
Select Text and Image | Command + 6 |
Select Annotation | Control + 6 |
Find | Command + F |
Find Previous | Shift + F3 |
Find Next | F3 |
Comment Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Area Highlight | Control + I |
Typewriter | Control + T |
Textbox | Control + X |
Callout | Control + J |
Note | Control + N |
Pin a File | Control + B |
Rectangle | Control + R |
Arrow | Control + A |
Line | Control + L |
Oval | Control + O |
Polyline | Control + Y |
Polygon | Control + G |
Cloud | Control + C |
Pencil | Control + P |
Eraser | Control + E |
Measure Distance | Control + Shift + D |
Measure Perimeter | Control + Shift + P |
Measure Area | Control + Shift + A |
Keep Tool Selected | Control + Z |
Export All Comments | Control + Shift + L |
Export Highlighted Text | Control + Shift + I |
Show All Comments | Control + U |
Hide All Comments | Control + H |
Open All Popups | Control + K |
Close All Popups | Control + M |
Organize & Protect Keys
Action | Shortcut |
Insert from File | Command + Shift + I |
Insert from Blank Page | Command + Shift + T |
Connect to Digital Rights Management Servers and Get Templates | Command + Option + G |
Custom Templates | Command + Option + T |
Unrestricted Access | Command + U |
Help Keys
Action | Shortcut |
User Manual | F1 |
Single-key Accelerators
You can select some commands and perform some actions with single-key accelerators. To enable single-key accelerators, please choose File in the Ribbon (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > General, and check Use single-key accelerators to access tools option in the Basic Tools group.
Keys for Selecting Commands
Command | Single-key Accelerator |
Hand | H |
Temporarily select Hand | Spacebar |
Select Text and Image | V |
Marquee | Z |
Cycle through zoom commands: Marquee, Loupe, Magnifier | Shift + Z |
Temporarily zoom out (when the Marquee command is selected) | Command |
Temporarily select Zoom In | Command + Spacebar |
Select Annotation | R |
Edit Object | O |
Crop Pages | C |
Link | L |
Text Field | F |
Cycle through commands in forms authoring mode: Text Field, Check Box, Radio Button, List Box, Combo Box, Push Button, Signature Field | Shift + F |
Audio & Video | M |
Cycle through Multimedia commands: Audio & Video, Image Annotation | Shift + M |
Edit Text | T |
Text & Images Redaction | Shift + Y |
JavaScript Console | Command + J |
Insert Blank Page | Shift + Command + T |
Insert From File | Command + Shift + I |
Delete pages | Command + Shift + D |
Reading Order | Shift + Command + U |
Keys for Working with Comments
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Sticky Note | S |
Replace Text | E |
Stamp | K |
Current highlighting command | U |
Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlight, Underline, Strikeout | Shift + U |
Current drawing markup command | D |
Cycle through drawing markup commands: Cloud, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon Line, Polygon, Pencil, Eraser | Shift + D |
Cloud | Q |
Text Box | X |
Current Stamp or Attach File command | J |
Cycle through Stamp and Attach File | Shift + J |
Move focus to next comment or form field | Tab |
Move focus to previous comment or form field | Shift + Tab |
Open pop-up note (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus | Enter |
Close pop-up (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus | Esc |
Keys for Navigating a PDF Document
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Previous screen | Command + Left Arrow |
Next screen | Command + Right Arrow |
First page | Fn + Left Arrow |
Last page | Fn + Right Arrow |
Previous page | Left Arrow or Command + Up Arrow |
Next page | Right Arrow or Command + Down Arrow |
Scroll up | Up Arrow |
Scroll down | Down Arrow |
Scroll (when Hand command is selected) | Spacebar |
Zoom in | Command + Equal Sign |
Zoom out | Command + Hyphen |
Keys for Working with Forms
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Align selected fields left | L |
Align selected fields right | R |
Align selected fields top | T |
Align selected fields bottom | B |
Align selected fields horizontal | H |
Align selected fields vertical | V |
Center fields horizontally | Shift + H |
Center fields vertically | Shift + V |
Highlight fields | Shift + L |
Show tab numbers | Shift + N |
Document JavaScript | P |
Keys for Working with PDF Portfolios
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Move focus to the next or previous row when in the body of the file list on the left | Up Arrow or Down Arrow |
If pressed in the body of the file list, navigate one level up from within a folder | Backspace |
If pressed when focus is on a row in the file list representing a subfolder, navigate to a subfolder, or open an attachment in Preview mode. | Enter |
If in the body of the file list, move to the first or last row | Fn + Left Arrow or Fn + Right Arrow |
If in the body of the file list, move to the next or last set of rows to fit the screen | Command + Left Arrow or Command + Right Arrow |
Select or deselect all files | Command + A or Shift + Command + A |
If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row above or below the selected row | Shift + Up Arrow or Shift + Down Arrow |
Change whether the row with focus is in the selection | Command + Spacebar |
Move focus up or down one row without changing the selection | Command + Up Arrow or Command + Down Arrow |
Keys for Navigating Task Panes
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Navigate to the next item in the panel | Tab |
Open or close the Task pane | Shift + F4 |
Keys for General Navigating
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Close current document | Command + Fn + F4 |
Close all open documents | Command + Shift + W |
Move focus to document pane | Fn + F5 |
Move focus to next comment, link, or form field in the document pane | Tab |
Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane | Shift + Tab |
Activate selected tool, item (such as a movie clip or bookmark), or command | Spacebar or Enter |
Open context menu | Shift + Fn + F10 |
Close context menu | Fn + F10 |
Return to Hand command or Select command | Esc |
Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document | Shift + Fn + F3 |
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document | Fn + F3 |
Search previous document (with Search results displaying multiple files) | Option + Shift + Left Arrow |
Search next document (with Search results displaying multiple files) | Option + Shift + Right Arrow |
Select text (with Select command selected) | Shift + Arrow Keys |
Select next word or deselect previous word (with Select command selected) | Shift + Command + Right Arrow or Left Arrow |
Keys for Working with Navigation Panels
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Open and move focus to navigation pane | Command + Shift + Fn + F5 |
Move focus among the document, status bar and navigation panels | Fn + F6 |
Move focus to previous pane or panel | Shift + Fn + F6 |
Move among the elements of the active navigation panel | Tab |
Move to previous or next navigation panel and make it active (when focus is on the panel button) | Up Arrow or Down Arrow |
Move to next navigation panel and make it active (when focus is anywhere in the navigation pane) | Command + Tab |
Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel) | Right Arrow, or * (keypad), or Plus Sign (keypad) |
Collapse the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel) | Left Arrow, or Forward Slash (/), or Minus Sign (keypad) |
Expand all bookmarks | Shift + * |
Collapse all bookmarks | Shift + Forward Slash (/) (keypad) |
Move focus to next item in a navigation panel | Down Arrow |
Move focus to previous item in a navigation panel | Up Arrow |
Keys for Navigating the Help Window
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Open Help window | F1 |
Keys for Accessibility
Action | Single-key Accelerator |
Change reading settings for the current document | Shift + Command + 5 |