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Share PDF Files

Share a PDF File by Email

Foxit PDF Editor allows users to share the currently opened PDF file by email as an attachment.

Tip: Before sharing a PDF file via email, you need to configure the email on your Mac device first.

Work with Files in Cloud Services

Foxit PDF Editor supports popular cloud services, including Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, and Box. Users can access, edit, and save files in cloud services directly from within the application.

Add a Cloud Service

When opening or saving a file in a cloud service, you need to add the cloud service in Foxit PDF Editor.

Tip: When adding a Google Drive or Dropbox account, you will be guided to sign in to the service in your system default browser. Please follow the on-screen instructions to sign in and authorize the access in your browser first, and then you can open and work with PDF files in Google Drive or Dropbox from within the application.

Open a File from Cloud Services

Save Files in Cloud Services

To save a PDF file that is opened from a local disk to your cloud service, please follow the steps below.

Tip: When saving a PDF to Google Drive, you can also choose to save it as a Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides file by selecting the option from the File Type drop-down list in the Google Drive’s Save As dialog box. 

To save a PDF file that is opened from your cloud service, do any of the following:

SharePoint Integration

Foxit PDF Editor has been integrated with Microsoft SharePoint, which helps you better manage and share PDFs.

Open PDFs in SharePoint Repository

Set the Preferences about How to Open a Document

By default, Foxit PDF Editor will let you choose how to open the document every time you open a PDF file from SharePoint. To specify how to open a document by default, please go to File tab (or Foxit PDF Editor in the menu bar) > Preferences > ECM Integration, and check the following option as needed in the SharePoint group.

Open PDF Files in SharePoint Repository


Edit Document Properties

To check and edit the document properties of a PDF file opened from the SharePoint server, please do the following:

Check Out, Discard Check Out, or Check In PDF Files

You can change the document status when working with PDF files in the SharePoint server.

Save Local PDF Files to SharePoint Repository

To save a local PDF file to SharePoint in Foxit PDF Editor, please do the following:

iManage10 Integration

Integration with iManage10, the popular and intelligent document and email management solution, enables you to directly open, modify, and save PDF documents in your iManage Work account using Foxit PDF Editor, which streamlines your PDF document management.

Open and Check Out PDFs on iManage10

Tip: When you add iManage10 successfully in Foxit PDF Editor, the iManage10 item will be displayed in the Open list in the File tab. If you add multiple servers, the latest one you added will be set as the default server for document management. You can click Share > iManage10 > Connect to add a new server or change the default server. If you want to remove the iManage10 item from the Open list in the File tab, select the iManage10 item, and click the Delete button .

Save PDF Files in iManage10

Save a Local PDF to iManage10

Save a Local PDF as a New Document in iManage10 Repository

Save a Local PDF as a New Version of Existing Work Document

Save a PDF Opened from iManage10

To save a PDF file opened from iManage10, you can choose to replace the original document, or save it as a new version or a new document in the iManage10. After modification, do any of the following:

Shared Review and Email Review

Foxit PDF Editor enables users to initiate a review by two methods: Shared Review and Email Review. You can set up your review, specify reviewers and review deadlines. You do not need to import and export comment data or manually track reviewer responses. The review Tracker can help review initiators track all reviews and manage the whole review in real time.

Shared Review

Collect Comments on an Internal Server

Shared Review allows document authors to share a document on an internal server with others to gather feedback/comments from the reviewers. The review initiator can specify the document location, invite participants and set the review deadline.

After receiving the invitation from the review initiator, reviewers can mark-up PDFs using a full set of commenting tools. Comments from reviewers will be stored in the internal server and synchronized by Foxit PDF Editor to download them at a regular interval. Reviewers will be notified if new comments are added by others and they can also reply to these comments.

(For review initiators) Send a PDF Out for Shared Review

Tip: Before sending the message, you need to configure your mail on your Mac device first.

(For reviewers) Review a Shared Review Document

Upon the review initiator sending out the document, the specified reviewers will receive an email invitation to a PDF review. The email includes an attached document named “[original document name]_review.pdf” or provides a URL to the PDF.

To review the document:


1. Reviewers will not be able to make comments or do other modifications to the shared documents in non-Foxit PDF viewers.

2. Reviewers should save the document as an archive copy to the hard drive using Foxit PDF viewers so as to modify the content.

Email Review

Email Review is useful when reviewers don’t have access to a common server or initiators don’t need collaborative reviews. In an Email Review, the initiator sends PDFs to reviewers as attachments and can view comments only after receiving the commented PDFs from reviewers. Also, the reviewers can only send back the PDFs after adding comments, and they cannot view comments made by others.

Send a PDF Out for Email Review

Participate in an Email Review

The recipients can download the document sent from the initiator and open it with Foxit PDF Editor, add their comments and click Send Comments button in the message bar to send their comments back to the initiator.

Likewise, you can manage your reviews by using the Tracker. See also Review Tracker.

Merge Comments

After receiving the document with comments from reviewers, the initiator open it and will be prompted with a message box about whether to merge comments from this document into the master file or not.

If you choose No, open this copy only button, you can still merge comments after you open it by clicking Merge Comments button in the message box.

Review Tracker

To track all of your reviews, please click Share > Tracker. The review Tracker helps you easily manage document reviews in real time. The tracker shows all the reviews you sent and joined and the detailed review status including review deadlines, reviewers, comments, etc. You can also email reviewers/initiators with the tracker. If you are the review initiator in a Shared Review, you can also change the deadline, end the review and start a new review with the same reviewers.

Cloud Documents

Foxit PDF Editor provides cloud storage to offer users a secure and seamless document workflow. Users can easily upload or save files to the cloud (Cloud Documents), allowing access from anywhere at any time. Foxit PDF Editor uses AWS S3 as its storage solution for the uploaded files, ensuring the protection of user data during storage, transit, backup, and retention. Note: An Internet connection and Foxit account signed-in are required to use this feature.

The Cloud Documents feature is also available in Foxit PDF Editor Mobile and Foxit PDF Editor Cloud (the online PDF editor), which allows users to work on their files across different platforms with ease and boost productivity.


Save PDFs to Cloud Documents

Upload Files to Cloud Documents

You can upload any file to Cloud Documents by doing either of the following:

Work with Cloud Documents

On the Cloud Documents page, you can work on uploaded documents and create new folders to organize and categorize them from any device at any time after logging in to Foxit PDF Editor, without needing to upload the same file repeatedly.

When you click on the vertical three-dot icon , a menu drops down with several options, allowing you to perform actions like sharing, downloading, deleting, and more. Alternatively, you can click on a file in the file list to open it, and then choose commands and options on the workspace to perform necessary tasks.

Note: Deleted files from Cloud Documents cannot be retrieved or recovered. Please make sure you have saved a copy of the file before deleting it.

Share PDFs via Link/Email and Collaborate in Real Time

You can easily share a PDF document via Link/Email with others, make or reply to comments on the shared document, and manage a document review in real time. Recipients can open the shared document and make comments with Foxit PDF Editor, Foxit PDF Reader, or Foxit PDF Editor Cloud in a web browser. You can also easily manage and track files shared by yourself and others. Note: An Internet connection and Foxit account signed-in are required to use this collaboration feature.

Share a File via a Link

For reviewers, after receiving the file link, they can open the document with Foxit PDF Editor Cloud in their web browsers to review the document. When the shared file is opened in Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, they can click Open in Foxit on the Title Bar of Foxit PDF Editor Cloud and choose Open in Foxit PDF Editor to open the shared file in Foxit PDF Editor on their desktop for collaboration.

Share a File via an Email

Reviewers can click the Open in Foxit PDF Editor button in the email they receive to open the file in Foxit PDF Editor and review the document. Alternatively, they can click Share > Share Files (or click Cloud Documents > Shared Files in the left part of the Start page) to find the shared file in the Shared by others tab for collaboration. See also “Manage Shared Files”. They can perform additional operations after clicking the three-dot icon  above the document pane of Foxit PDF Editor, such as viewing activities and copying the shared link. To leave a review, they can choose Remove Me from the menu.

Manage Shared Files

Both document owners and the reviewers may be involved with multiple reviews during daily document workflows. Foxit PDF Editor’s Share feature provides an easy way for document collaboration, but it also enables document owners and reviewers to manage shared files in an organized way and track the review status with notifications.

To manage the shared files, do the following:

You (both document owners and the reviewers) get notified when others perform actions on the shared documents. You receive messages about review activities and can view the messages in the notifications box that appears after you click the Notification icon (a bell icon) on Title Bar of Foxit PDF Editor. A red dot appears on the Notification icon if you have any pending messages. You can quickly mark all notifications in the box as read by clicking the horizontal three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the box and selecting Mark all as read from the drop-down menu. To delete all notifications, choose Delete all from the menu.