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Install Foxit PDF Editor

System Requirements

Operating Systems

Recommended Minimum Hardware

Install Foxit PDF Editor

Double-click the executable file you downloaded, and then follow the step-by-step instructions in the Installation Wizard to install Foxit PDF Editor on your computer.

Uninstall Foxit PDF Editor

Choose one of the following options to uninstall Foxit PDF Editor:

Tip: If you activate Foxit PDF Editor by key code or key file and haven’t deactivate it before the uninstallation, a message will pop up to ask you whether to deactivate it when you uninstall the application. It is recommended to confirm the deactivation so that the license can be used on a different device.

Update Foxit PDF Editor

You can choose one of the following options to update Foxit PDF Editor:

Purchase Foxit PDF Editor

Foxit PDF Editor provides two licensing models: perpetual licensing with one-time purchase and subscription licensing based on month or year.

To purchase Foxit PDF Editor, please do one of the following:

Activate Foxit PDF Editor

After launching Foxit PDF Editor, a welcome wizard pops up. If you have already purchased a license for Foxit PDF Editor, click Activate to activate Foxit PDF Editor. If not, you can click Purchase to purchase Foxit PDF Editor from the Foxit website. If you choose Free Trial, you will be given a 14-day free trial period to use Foxit PDF Editor. To activate Foxit PDF Editor, please follow the steps below.

Note: If your PDF Editor is managed by Foxit Admin Console (a cloud-based portal that serves for administrators to manage Foxit products/services in an organization), there will be a prompt window to let you activate it for further use, depending on the activation mode defined by Admin Console. You need to contact your administrator for the activation. See also Foxit Admin Console.

Deactivate Foxit PDF Editor

You can deactivate Foxit PDF Editor on one machine in order to activate on another. To deactivate Foxit PDF Editor, click Help in the Ribbon > Deactivate.


Foxit has integrated the collective commands in the ribbon interface and created a new way of working, namely Ribbon Mode. In this mode, commands are arranged by groups and tasks. While reading a PDF file, you can control-click the document name in the application’s title bar to navigate the filesystem trees. 

Set the Skin

Foxit PDF Editor provides three options (Classic, Dark, and Use system setting) that allow you to change the look (skin) of the software. If you choose Use system setting, the skin automatically switches to Classic or Dark according to the Appearance setting in your macOS system. To change the skin, choose File in the Ribbon > Skins, and then select the desired option.

Customize the Toolbar

The Ribbon is designed to help you find the commands in an easy and convenient way. Foxit PDF Editor gives you the capability to personalize and fine-tune the Ribbon in the way you want. With this feature, you can customize Quick Access Toolbar and the default Ribbon, and create custom tabs or groups with your favorite commands.

Customize Quick Access Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar displays all your bookmarked commands. You can add commands that will let you view and search content easily to your Quick Access Toolbar. This is another way for you to arrange and manage all the commands.

Add Commands to Quick Access Toolbar

To return toolbars to default configuration, repeat the steps above to open the Quick Access Toolbar tab in the Customize Tools dialog box, choose Reset or press Option + S, and click OK to apply the setting.

Tip: You can also right-click a command on the ribbon and choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar to add the command to Quick Access Toolbar.

Show Quick Access Toolbar below/above the Ribbon

To show Quick Access Toolbar below/above the ribbon area, do any of the following:

Customize the Ribbon

To customize the Ribbon, you can right click the Ribbon, choose Customize the Ribbon from the context menu to bring out the Customize Tools dialog box first, and then follow the steps below.

Create a New Tab

To create a new tab, please do one of the following:

Add a New Group to a Tab

To add a new group to a tab, please do one of the following:

Rename a Tab or Group

Add Commands to a Group

Remove a Tab, Group or Command

To remove a tab, group or command, please do one of the following:

Reorder the Tabs or Groups

To reorder the tabs or groups, please do one of the following:

Reset the Ribbon

Import a Customized Ribbon

Note: After importing a Ribbon customization file, you will lose all the arrangements you have customized previously. If you want to revert to the customization you currently have, it is easier to export the customized Ribbon before importing any customization.

Export a customized Ribbon


Search and Find Commands

You can easily search and find a command by the name or description of a command.

Foxit Plug-in Platform

For flexible and convenient management of plugins, Foxit PDF Editor offers a Plug-in Platform, in which you can view the plug-in status, learn the information about the plugins installed, as well as manage the plug-ins as needed.

To open Foxit Plug-in Platform, please choose Help in the Ribbon > Foxit Plug-Ins.

Plug-in Status

Plug-in Information

To learn the details of a plug-in, please click More under the general description of the plug-in in the About Foxit Plug-Ins window.

Plug-in Management

Within Foxit Plug-in Platform, you can manage the plug-ins as needed, including installing, enabling, disabling and uninstalling plug-ins.

Install a Plug-in

Foxit PDF Editor allows you to install a plug-in in FZIP format. You can also install one or more plug-ins by using an XML file. An XML file defines the information about plug-ins to be installed, and should be used together with .dylib files.

Tip: If you install plug-ins by using an XML file, please place the .xml file and .dylib files in the same folder to avoid an installation failure.

Disable a Plug-in

To disable a plug-in, please follow the steps below:

Enable a plug-in

To enable a plug-in, please follow the steps below:

Uninstall a custom plug-in

To uninstall a custom plug-in (not built by Foxit), please follow the steps below:
